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Nalezené studie* (n=7)

id název* obrázků* autor* vytvořeno* modifikováno* schváleno* schválil*
175 cs: AML bez vyzrávání
en: AML without maturation
9 A. Buliková, J. Kissová 23.7.2008, 12:13 9.9.2009, 22:19 9.9.2009, 22:19 J. Kissová
173 cs: AML s multilineární dysplázií
en: AML with multilineage dysplasia
12 A. Buliková, J. Kissová 22.7.2008, 7:19 16.10.2008, 23:08 16.10.2008, 23:08 J. Kissová
140 cs: AML
en: AML
8 Jaroslava Hoblová, A. Buliková, J. Kissová 27.4.2008, 20:38 17.6.2008, 11:36 17.6.2008, 11:36 J. Kissová
96 cs: Akutní myeloidní leukémie s vyzráváním, AML M2
en: Acute myeloid leukaemia with maturation, AML M2
12 Irena Trnavská 11.6.2007, 0:32 2.10.2007, 16:09 2.10.2007, 16:09 J. Kissová
93 cs: Polékový myelodysplastický syndrom
en: Therapy related myelodyplastic syndrome
6 A. Buliková 3.6.2007, 21:40 22.6.2008, 18:37 22.6.2008, 18:37 J. Kissová
44 cs: Chronická myeloidní leukémie - chronická fáze
en: Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - chronic phase
4 A. Buliková 8.12.2006, 20:03 2.10.2007, 13:11 2.10.2007, 13:11 J. Kissová
25 cs: AML M4 Eo
en: AML M4 Eo
8 S. Valníček 27.10.2006, 13:47 4.12.2007, 10:41 4.12.2007, 10:41 Jan Blatný

Nalezené obrázky* (n=64)

AML without maturation- PB
There are nine myeloblasts and two lymphocytes (5 and 10 o'clock) in the picture. Comparison of the chromatin pattern in these two type of the cells confirm really fine chromatin in myeloblasts.  / Na obrázku je devět myeloblastů a dva lymfocyty (na 5. a 10. hodině). Srovnání charakteru chromatinu obou typů buněk potvrzuje opravdu jemný chromatin u myeloblastů. Description: There are nine myeloblasts and two lymphocytes (5 and 10 o'clock) in the picture. Comparison of the chromatin pattern in these two type of the cells confirm really fine chromatin in myeloblasts.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, lymphocyte
AML without maturation- PB
There are myeloblasts of various size in peripheral blood. No other cell types are find.  / Myeloblasty různé velikosti jsou v periferní krvi. Žádné jiné buněčné typy nejsou zjišťovány. Description: There are myeloblasts of various size in peripheral blood. No other cell types are find.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML without maturation - PB
Myeloblasts in peripheral blood smear represent dominant population. These are large cell, they have high nucleocytoplasmic ratio. Their nucleus has diffuse fine chromatin pattern and one or more nucleoli. The cytoplasm is moderately basophilic in this case and do not contain any granulation.  / Myeloblasty v nátěru perifetní krve představují dominující populaci. Jsou to velké buňky, mají vysoký nukleocytoplazmatický poměr. Jejich jádro má difusní jemný vzhled chromatinu a jedno či více jadérek. Cytoplazma je v tomto případě středně basofilní a neobsahuje žádnou granulaci. Description: Myeloblasts in peripheral blood smear represent dominant population. These are large cell, they have high nucleocytoplasmic ratio. Their nucleus has diffuse fine chromatin pattern and one or more nucleoli. The cytoplasm is moderately basophilic in this case and do not contain any granulation.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML without maturation - PB
Another picture of the myeloblast in the patient with AML without maturation. Number of the cells at the field of view confirms high leukocyte count which is find by cell blood analyser. Appearance of the cells is same as in previous picture.   / Jiný obrázek myeloblastů u nemocného s AML bez vyzrávání. Počet buněk v zorném poli potvrzuje vysoký počet leukocytů, který je zjišťován analyzátorem krevních elementů. Vzhled buněk je stejný jako na předchozím obrázku. Description: Another picture of the myeloblast in the patient with AML without maturation. Number of the cells at the field of view confirms high leukocyte count which is find by cell blood analyser. Appearance of the cells is same as in previous picture.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML without maturation- PB
Almost only myeloblasts are detected in peripheral blood. They are various size with moderate to almost strong basophilic cytoplasm without any granulation.  / Téměř výhradně myeloblasty jsou zjišťovány v periferní krvi. Jsou různé velikosti se středně až téměř silně basofilní cytoplazmou bez jakékoli granulace. Description: Almost only myeloblasts are detected in peripheral blood. They are various size with moderate to almost strong basophilic cytoplasm without any granulation.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML without maturation- BM- MPOX
There are the  most negative cells in myeloperoxidase staining. But three immature cells in the picture (at left) are cleary positive. One positive cell at right is more mature (metamyelocyte or even band) and cannot be count in numer of positive blasts.   / Většina buněk je negativní v barvení myeloperoxidázy. Ale tři nezralé buňky na obrázku (vlevo) jsou jasně pozitivní. Jedna pozitivní buňka vpravo je více zralá (metamyelocyt nebo dokonce tyčka) a nemůže být započtena do počtu pozitivních blastů. Description: There are the most negative cells in myeloperoxidase staining. But three immature cells in the picture (at left) are cleary positive. One positive cell at right is more mature (metamyelocyte or even band) and cannot be count in numer of positive blasts.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, metamyelocyte, band, myeloperoxidase stain
AML without maturation- BM
Hypercellular bone marrow with dominant population of myeloblasts. Only one segmented neutrophil is above the picture's centre, it is hypogranular. There is also one mature plasmocyte at 11 o'clock. Due to rich smear not all cells can be definitely distinguished.  / Hypercelulární kostní dřen s převažující populací myeloblastů. Jen jeden neutrofilní segment je nad středem obráźku, je hypogranulovaný. Jeden zralý plazmocyt je také na 11. hodině. Z důvodů bohatého nátěru ne všechny buňky mohou být s jistotou rozpoznány. Description: Hypercellular bone marrow with dominant population of myeloblasts. Only one segmented neutrophil is above the picture's centre, it is hypogranular. There is also one mature plasmocyte at 11 o'clock. Due to rich smear not all cells can be definitely distinguished.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, segmented granulocyte, plasma cell
AML without maturation- BM
There are numerous myeloblasts with fine nuclear chromatin, one to four nucleoli, moderately basophilic cytoplasm without granulation. No other more mature cells of granulocytic lineage are find. One cell of erythroid lineage is at 7 o'clock.  / Tady jsou četné myeloblasty s jemným jaderným chromatinem,  jedním až čtyřmi jadérky, středně bazofilní cytoplazmou bez granulace. Žádné další více zralé buňky granulocytární řady nejsou zjišťovány. Jedna buňka erytroidní linie je na 7. hodině. Description: There are numerous myeloblasts with fine nuclear chromatin, one to four nucleoli, moderately basophilic cytoplasm without granulation. No other more mature cells of granulocytic lineage are find. One cell of erythroid lineage is at 7 o'clock.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, polychromatophilic normoblast
AML without maturation- BM
Bone marrow is rich and infiltrated by uniform population of myeloblasts. There are only two lymphocytes (in the middle and at 6 o'clock) there; they can be distinguished by mature chromatin and markable smaller cell¨s size. One promyelocyte - large cell, ex-centric nucleus, numerous azurophilic granulation - is at the bottom of the picture (8 o'clock).  / Kostní dřeň je bohatá a infiltrovaná uniformní populací myeloblastů. Jsou zde jen dva lymfocyty (uprostřed a na 6. hodině); tyto mohou být odlišeny podle zralého chromatinu a zřetelně menší velikosti buňky. Jeden promyelocyt - větší buňka, excentrické jádro, početná azurofilní granulace - je v dolní části obrázku (na 8. hodině). Description: Bone marrow is rich and infiltrated by uniform population of myeloblasts. There are only two lymphocytes (in the middle and at 6 o'clock) there; they can be distinguished by mature chromatin and markable smaller cell¨s size. One promyelocyte - large cell, ex-centric nucleus, numerous azurophilic granulation - is at the bottom of the picture (8 o'clock).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, lymphocyte
AML with multilineage dysplasia - PB
Two myeloblasts at this next picture document that even in normal leukocyte count (5,0 G/l) circulating myeloblasts represent dominant population in patient's peripheral blood smears. Group of trombocytes (at the left from upper myeloblast) shows marked anizocytosis.   / Dva myeloblasty na tomto dalším obrázku prokazují, že dokonce u normálního počtu leukocytů (5,0 G/l) cirkulující myeloblasty představují dominující populaci v nátěrech periferní krve pacienta. Skupina trombocytů (doleva od horního myeloblastu) ukazuje zřetelnou anizocytózu. Description: Two myeloblasts at this next picture document that even in normal leukocyte count (5,0 G/l) circulating myeloblasts represent dominant population in patient's peripheral blood smears. Group of trombocytes (at the left from upper myeloblast) shows marked anizocytosis.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, thrombocyte, anisocytosis
AML with multilineage dysplasia - PB
There are two myeloblasts here - rather large cells with round or oval nuclei, fine chromatin pattern, two to three nucleoli, moderately basophilic cytoplasm without granulation. One lymphocyte lays beside myeloblast at  the left side of the picture.  / Zde jsou dva myeloblasty - spíše velké buňky s kulatými až oválnými jádry, jemným vzorkem chromatinu, dvěma až třemi jadérky, středně basofilní cytoplazmou bez granulace. Jeden lymfocyt leží vedle myeloblastu na levé straně obrázku. Description: There are two myeloblasts here - rather large cells with round or oval nuclei, fine chromatin pattern, two to three nucleoli, moderately basophilic cytoplasm without granulation. One lymphocyte lays beside myeloblast at the left side of the picture.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, lymphocyte
AML with multilineage dysplasia - PB
Peripheral blood smears show 27% of myeloblasts (upper right) but also some other cells of granulocytic lineage - there is myelocyte at the lower left.  / Nátěr periferní krve ukazuje 27% myeloblastů (nahoře vpravo), ale také jiné buňky granulocytární řady - vlevo dole je myelocyt. Description: Peripheral blood smears show 27% of myeloblasts (upper right) but also some other cells of granulocytic lineage - there is myelocyte at the lower left.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
Numerous myeloblast and erythroid cells are in the picture. There are some micro-forms of megakaryocytes (from 2 bi-nuclear to 4 unilobular) at the lower part of it. All of the signs in megakaryocytes signify dysplastic changes.  / Na obrázku jsou početné myeloblasty a buňky erytroidní řady.  V jeho dolní části je pár mikro-forem megakaryocytů (od dvou dvoujaderných do čtyř jednojaderných). Všechny tyto známky v megakaryocytech znamenají změny dysplastické. Description: Numerous myeloblast and erythroid cells are in the picture. There are some micro-forms of megakaryocytes (from 2 bi-nuclear to 4 unilobular) at the lower part of it. All of the signs in megakaryocytes signify dysplastic changes.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, micromegakaryocyte
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
The myeloblasts are the most frequent cells of the picture, some of them are in mitosis. In erythroid lineage are megaloblastoid features -  markedly expressed in two cells at 4-5 o'clock. Hypogranulation is in neutrophils.  / Myeloblasty jsou nejčastějšími buňkami obrázku, některé z nich jsou v mitóze. V erytroidní řadě jsou megaloblastoidní rysy - zřetelně vyjádřeny ve dvou buňkách na 4-5. hodině. Hypogranulace je v neutrofilech. Description: The myeloblasts are the most frequent cells of the picture, some of them are in mitosis. In erythroid lineage are megaloblastoid features - markedly expressed in two cells at 4-5 o'clock. Hypogranulation is in neutrophils.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, hypogranulation, megaloblastic haematopoiesis
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
Numerous myeloblast and cells of erythroid lineage (almost 50%) are dominant populations of the cells of the bone marrow smear.  The cells of erythroid series show dysplastic features -  multilobularity, non-round nucleus  shape (at 11o'clock), megaloblastoid features (at 9 o'clock) and failure of cytoplasm hemoglobinization (at 3 o'clock).  / Početné myeloblasty a buňky erytroidní linie (téměř 50%) jsou dominujícími populacemi buněk v nátěru kostní dřeně. Buňky erytroidní řady vykazují dysplastické rysy - multilobularitu, zneokrouhlený tvar jádra (na 11. hodině), megaloblastoidní rysy (na 9. hodině) a poruchu hemoglobinizace cytoplazmy (na 3. hodině).  Description: Numerous myeloblast and cells of erythroid lineage (almost 50%) are dominant populations of the cells of the bone marrow smear. The cells of erythroid series show dysplastic features - multilobularity, non-round nucleus shape (at 11o'clock), megaloblastoid features (at 9 o'clock) and failure of cytoplasm hemoglobinization (at 3 o'clock).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, megaloblastic haematopoiesis
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
Three myeloblast and six erythroid cells (and one naked nucleus) are in the picture. Two immature erythroid cells with abundant basophilic cytoplasm are megalobasts. At the lower left is one more cell probably of granulocytic lineage; it has a few cytoplasmic a one nuclear inclusions of not clear origin - some of them can be digestive ones after haemophagocytosis (one at 6 o'clock in the cell).   / Na obrázku jsou tři myeloblasty a šest buněk erytropoezy (a jedno holé jádro). Dvě nezralé erytroidní buňky s bohatou bazofilní cytoplazmou jsou megaloblasty. Nalevo dole je jedna buňka pravděpodobně granulocytární řady; má pár cytoplazmatických a jednu jadernou inkluzi nejasného původu - některé z nich mohou být ztrávené po hemofagocytóze (jedna na 5. hodině v buňce). Description: Three myeloblast and six erythroid cells (and one naked nucleus) are in the picture. Two immature erythroid cells with abundant basophilic cytoplasm are megalobasts. At the lower left is one more cell probably of granulocytic lineage; it has a few cytoplasmic a one nuclear inclusions of not clear origin - some of them can be digestive ones after haemophagocytosis (one at 6 o'clock in the cell).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, megaloblast, haemophagocytosis
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
There are three myeloblasts in the picture, one of them underneath the centre with cleft nucleus. Three immature cells of erythroid lineage (proerythroblast and two more or less mature early normoblasts) belong to cells localized around the picture's centre. At 5 o'clock lays one dysplastic cell of perhaps granulocytic or may be monocytic lineage; it has band-like but really immature nucleus with fine chromatin and clear nucleoli and immature cytoplasm without granulation. Another almost bizarre cell is in the centre, it the most probably belongs in granulocytic series, it has moderately mature nucleus, basophilic cytoplasm almost without granulation but with one digested late normoblast.  / Na obrázku jsou tři myeloblasty, jeden z nich pod centrem se štěpeným jádrem. Tři nezralé buňky erytroidní linie (proerytroblast a dva méně či více zralé časné normoblasty patří k buňkám umístěným okolo středu obrázku. Na 5. hodině leží dysplastická buňka granulocytární nebo možná monocytární řady; má tyčkovité ale opravdu nezralé jádro s jemným chromatinem a jasnými jadérky a nezralou cytoplazmu bez granulace. Jiná téměř bizarní buňka je ve středu, nejpravděpodobněji  patří ke granulocytární řadě, má středně zralé jádro, basofilní cytoplazmu téměř bez granulace ale s jedním pohlceným pozdním normoblastem. Description: There are three myeloblasts in the picture, one of them underneath the centre with cleft nucleus. Three immature cells of erythroid lineage (proerythroblast and two more or less mature early normoblasts) belong to cells localized around the picture's centre. At 5 o'clock lays one dysplastic cell of perhaps granulocytic or may be monocytic lineage; it has band-like but really immature nucleus with fine chromatin and clear nucleoli and immature cytoplasm without granulation. Another almost bizarre cell is in the centre, it the most probably belongs in granulocytic series, it has moderately mature nucleus, basophilic cytoplasm almost without granulation but with one digested late normoblast.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, proerythroblast, basophilic normoblast, haemophagocytosis
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
Three myeloblasts are in the lower left; one of them (underneath eosinophilic myelocyte) has some azurophilic granulation, cytoplasmic protrusions and cleft nucleus. Erythroid lineage shows dysplastic features - nuclear lobulisation, karyorhexis and poor hemoglobinization of cytoplasm.   / Tři myeloblasty jsou vlevo dole, jeden z nich (pod eozinofilním myelocytem) má nějakou azurofilní granulace, cytoplazmatické výběžky a rozštěpené jádro. Erytroidní linie vykazuje dysplastické rysy - lobulizaci jádra, karyorhexi a špatnou hemoglobinizaci cytoplazmy. Description: Three myeloblasts are in the lower left; one of them (underneath eosinophilic myelocyte) has some azurophilic granulation, cytoplasmic protrusions and cleft nucleus. Erythroid lineage shows dysplastic features - nuclear lobulisation, karyorhexis and poor hemoglobinization of cytoplasm.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
There are seven myeloblasts underneath the centre of the picture and three proerythroblasts at the upper left. Between these two groups of the cells lies one agranular band and one red mitosis. Two early polychromatophil red cells precursors (upper left) have megaloblastoid nuclear pattern  and they are bilobated. Three late polychromatophil normoblasts (to the left and down from the centre) have pycnotic nuclei.   / Pod centrem obrázku je sedm myeloblastů a tři proerytroblasty jsou vlevo nahoře. Mezi těmito dvěma skupinami buněk leží jedna agranulární tyčka a jedna červená mitóza. Dva časné
polychromatofilní prekurzory erytrocytů mají megaloblastoidní vzhled jádra a jsou bilobární. Tři pozdní polychromatofilní normoblasty (doleva a dolu z centra) mají pyknotická jádra. Description: There are seven myeloblasts underneath the centre of the picture and three proerythroblasts at the upper left. Between these two groups of the cells lies one agranular band and one red mitosis. Two early polychromatophil red cells precursors (upper left) have megaloblastoid nuclear pattern and they are bilobated. Three late polychromatophil normoblasts (to the left and down from the centre) have pycnotic nuclei.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, proerythroblast, polychromatophilic normoblast, megaloblastic haematopoiesis
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
Myeloblasts represent about 30% of all nucleated bone marrow cells. There is also erythroid hyperplasia here - almost 50% in bone marrow cells differential count. Cells of erythroid lineage show dysplastic features - megaloblastic nuclei,  bilnuclear cells or nuclear lobulisation, internuclear bridges, poorly hemoglobinised cytoplasm.  These dysplastic features are presented in more than 50% of erythroid cells.  / Myeloblasty představují asi 30% ze všech jaderných buněk dřeně. Je zde taktéž erytroidní hyperplázie - téměř 50% v diferenciálním rozpočtu buněk kostní dřeně. Buňky erytroidní řady ukazují dysplastické rysy - megaloblastoidní jádra, binukleární buňky nebo jadernou lobulizaci, mezijaderné můstky, špatně hemoglobinizovanou cytoplazmu. Tyto dysplastické rysy jsou přítomny ve více než 50% erytroidních buněk. Description: Myeloblasts represent about 30% of all nucleated bone marrow cells. There is also erythroid hyperplasia here - almost 50% in bone marrow cells differential count. Cells of erythroid lineage show dysplastic features - megaloblastic nuclei, bilnuclear cells or nuclear lobulisation, internuclear bridges, poorly hemoglobinised cytoplasm. These dysplastic features are presented in more than 50% of erythroid cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, megaloblastic haematopoiesis, internuclear bridges
microgranular variant APL-PB
The main feature of this type acute myeloblastic leukaemia is bi-lobed nuclear shape and presence of dust-like reddish granules in cytoplasm. Some tumour cells can be even agranular. Leukocytosis is usual when one compares this type with classic hyper-granular form.   / Hlavním rysem tohoto typu akutní myeloblastické leukémie je bilobární tvar jádra a přítomnost prachových načervenalých granulí v cytoplazmě. Některé nádorové buňky mohou být dokonce agranulární. Leukocytóza je obvykla v porovnání s klasickou hypergranulární variantou. Description: The main feature of this type acute myeloblastic leukaemia is bi-lobed nuclear shape and presence of dust-like reddish granules in cytoplasm. Some tumour cells can be even agranular. Leukocytosis is usual when one compares this type with classic hyper-granular form.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: promyelocyte, tumour cell
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - chronic phase
Various stages of maturation in neutrophil lineage (one myeloblast in the centre, two segments and metamyelocyte). Only one early normoblast is under the myeloblast;  beside it to the left is basophil.  / Různá stádia vyzrávání v neutrofilní řadě (jeden myeloblast v centru, dva segmenty a metamyelocyt). Jen jeden časný normoblast je pod myeloblastem, vedle něj doleva je basofil. Description: Various stages of maturation in neutrophil lineage (one myeloblast in the centre, two segments and metamyelocyte). Only one early normoblast is under the myeloblast; beside it to the left is basophil.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, metamyelocyte, basophil, segmented granulocyte, normoblast
CML accelerated phase - PB
Predominance of segmented granulocytes, neutrophil band in the centre, eosinophil myelocyte at the right side bottom, cluster of three blasts in the centre.
 / Převaha neutrofilních segmentů, neutrofilní tyč uprostřed, eozinofilní myelocyt vpravo dole, shluk tří blastů uprostřed. 
Description: Predominance of segmented granulocytes, neutrophil band in the centre, eosinophil myelocyte at the right side bottom, cluster of three blasts in the centre.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, band, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - PB
Leucocytosis, left shift. Two blasts at the right side (at 3. o´clock). basophil on the left. Normoblast in the centre, lymphocyte at the right side up.
 / Leukocytóza, posun doleva. Dva blasty vpravo ( na 3. hodině), bazofil vlevo. Normoblast uprostřed, lymfocyt vpravo nahoře.
Description: Leucocytosis, left shift. Two blasts at the right side (at 3. o´clock). basophil on the left. Normoblast in the centre, lymphocyte at the right side up.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, basophil, lymphocyte, normoblast
CML accelerated phase - PB
Marked leucocytosis with granulocytosis. Myelocytes and segmented granulocytes are predominant elements of peripheral blood, marked basophilia. At the picture blasts and promyelocytes are present, six basophiles.
 / Výrazná leukocytóza s granulocytózou. Myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty jsou dominujícími elementy v nátěrech periferní krve, výrazná bazofílie. Na obrázku přítomny i blasty a promyelocyty, šest bazofilů. 

Description: Marked leucocytosis with granulocytosis. Myelocytes and segmented granulocytes are predominant elements of peripheral blood, marked basophilia. At the picture blasts and promyelocytes are present, six basophiles.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte, basophil, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts are increased, marked basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre bottom and one is  on the right side ( on the 2 o'clock).Three basophiles are present - one in the centre and two at the right side of the picture. 

 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty, je výrazná bazofílie. Přítomny dva blasty, jeden dole uprostřed a jeden vpravo ( na 2. hodině). Jsou přítomny tři bazofily - jeden uprostřed a dva na pravé straně obrázku.

Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts are increased, marked basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre bottom and one is on the right side ( on the 2 o'clock).Three basophiles are present - one in the centre and two at the right side of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, basophil, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes,  blasts and eosinophiles are increased. Blast is on the right side bottom , two eosinophil myelocytes are present - one up and one at the bottom in the centre of the picture.  
 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty a eozinofily. Blast vlevo dole, dva eozinofilní myelocyty - jeden nahoře a jeden dole uprostřed obrázku. 
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts and eosinophiles are increased. Blast is on the right side bottom , two eosinophil myelocytes are present - one up and one at the bottom in the centre of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, eosinophil, band, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes,  blasts and eosinophiles are increased, marked basophilia. Blasts are in the centre and on the right and left side (at 9 and 2 o'clock), eosinophil is in the centre below segmented granulocyte. Four basophiles are present - two at the right side up and two at the bottom part of the picture.

   / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty a eozinofily, výrazná bazofilie. Blasty uprostřed , dále vlevo i vpravo (na 9.a 2.hodině), eozinofil uprostřed pod neutrofilním segmentem,. Bazofilyjsou  přítomny 4, dva vpravo nahoře a dva ve spodní části 
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts and eosinophiles are increased, marked basophilia. Blasts are in the centre and on the right and left side (at 9 and 2 o'clock), eosinophil is in the centre below segmented granulocyte. Four basophiles are present - two at the right side up and two at the bottom part of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, eosinophil, basophil, band, segmented granulocyte
AML- peripheral blood
The II-nd type of myeloblast in AML; there are few fine azurophilic granules in cytoplasm at the right side of the nucleus. It contains three apparent nucleoli. Underneath of this cell is mature lymphocyte.  / Myeloblast II. typu u AML, vpravo od jádra je v cytoplazmě několik azurofilních granulí. Jádro obsahuje tří zřetelná jadérka.  Pod touto buňkou je zralý lymfocyt. Description: The II-nd type of myeloblast in AML; there are few fine azurophilic granules in cytoplasm at the right side of the nucleus. It contains three apparent nucleoli. Underneath of this cell is mature lymphocyte.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, lymphocyte
AML- peripheral blood
Peripheral blood smear in AML shows II-nd type myeloblast with Auer rod at the right and lymphocyte at the left.  / Nátěr periferní krve u AML ukazuje myeloblast II. typu s Auerovou tyčí vpravo a lymfocyt vlevo. Description: Peripheral blood smear in AML shows II-nd type myeloblast with Auer rod at the right and lymphocyte at the left.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, lymphocyte, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
The II-nd type myeloblast. Cell with fine chromatin structure, high nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, three clear nucleoli. Large centrosome is discernible as a lighter juxtanuclear zone with a slight depression of the nucleus; this is sing of more mature cell ( promyelocyte of normal bone marrow). The apparent Auer rod is in the cytoplasm of the cell. . / Myeloblast II. typu. Buňka s jemnou strukturou chromatinu, vysokým nukleo/cytoplazmatickým poměrem, třemi jadérky. Velký centrosom je rozeznatelný jako světlejší juxtanukleární oblast s promáčknutím jádra; to je známka více zralé buňky (promyelocyt v normální kostní dřeni). Zřetelná Auerova tyč je v cytoplazmě buňky. Description: The II-nd type myeloblast. Cell with fine chromatin structure, high nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, three clear nucleoli. Large centrosome is discernible as a lighter juxtanuclear zone with a slight depression of the nucleus; this is sing of more mature cell ( promyelocyte of normal bone marrow). The apparent Auer rod is in the cytoplasm of the cell. .
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
Another example of the II-nd type of myeloblast. Cytoplasm contains not only Auer rod but also fine azurophilic granulation. / Jiný příklad myeloblastu 2. typu. Cytoplazma obsahuje nejen Auerovu tyč, ale také jemnou azurofilní granulaci.  Description: Another example of the II-nd type of myeloblast. Cytoplasm contains not only Auer rod but also fine azurophilic granulation.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
The II-nd type myeloblast with Auer rod. / Myeloblast II. typu s Auerovou tyčí. Description: The II-nd type myeloblast with Auer rod.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
Two I- st type myeoblasts at the smear, the upper one with high nuclear/cytoplasm ratio seams to be really immature, the lower one is typical myeloblast appearance.        / Dva myeloblasty I. typu v nátěru, ten horní s vysokým nukleo/cytoplazmatickým poměrem se zdá být skutečně nezralým, dolní má vzhled typického myeloblastu. Description: Two I- st type myeoblasts at the smear, the upper one with high nuclear/cytoplasm ratio seams to be really immature, the lower one is typical myeloblast appearance.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML- peripheral blood
The I-st type myeloblast with high nucleo/cytoplasm ratio, fine chromatin and three nucleoli. Immature erythrocyte (macrocytic and rather polychromatiphilic) at 8 o'clock.   / Myeloblast I. typu s vysokým poměrem jádro/cytoplazma, jemným chromatinem a třemi jadérky. Nezralý erytrocyt (makrocytární a spíše polychromatofilní) na 8. hodině. Description: The I-st type myeloblast with high nucleo/cytoplasm ratio, fine chromatin and three nucleoli. Immature erythrocyte (macrocytic and rather polychromatiphilic) at 8 o'clock.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML- peripheral blood
The I-st type myeloblast in peripheral blood - without any azurophilic granules and/or Auer rods; according to irregular nucleus shape with two chromatin projections one could speculate about tumour origin of this cell.  / Myeloblast I. typu - bez azurofilních granulí a/nebo Auerových tyčí; podle nepravidelného tvaru jádra s dvěma výběžky chromatinu lze přemýšlet o nádorovém původu této buňky. Description: The I-st type myeloblast in peripheral blood - without any azurophilic granules and/or Auer rods; according to irregular nucleus shape with two chromatin projections one could speculate about tumour origin of this cell.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML M2- bone marrow - cytochemistry\
POX positivity in myeloblasts  / POX pozitivita v myeloblastech Description: POX positivity in myeloblasts
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML M2- bone marrow- cytochemistry
POX positivity in myeloblasts / POX pozitivita v myeloblastech Description: POX positivity in myeloblasts
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML M2- peripheral blood 3
Blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in  cytoplasm of the blast on the left side of the picture; nuclear indentation is present in the larger blast at the bottom of the picture. / Blasty a dva neutrofilní segmenty; blasty střední až větší velikosti,některé s granulací; v cytoplazmě blastu při levém okraji obrázku je přítomna Auerova tyč,ve větším blastu  v dolní části obrázku je jaderný zářez. Description: Blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of the blast on the left side of the picture; nuclear indentation is present in the larger blast at the bottom of the picture.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 2
Myeloblasts - Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of the blast in the center of the picture; nuclear indentation is present in the blast at the bottom of the picture / Myeloblasty - v cytoplazmě blastu uprostřed přítomna Auerova tyč;v blastu na spodu obrázku je přítomen jaderný zářez Description: Myeloblasts - Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of the blast in the center of the picture; nuclear indentation is present in the blast at the bottom of the picture
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- peripheral blood 2
Myeloblasts - Auer rods are present in several blasts  / Myeloblasty - v několika blastech přítomny Auerovy tyče Description: Myeloblasts - Auer rods are present in several blasts
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- peripheral blood 1
Myeloblasts - single Auer rod is present in the blast on the right side / Myeloblasty -  vpravo v cytoplazmě  blastu  solitární Auerova tyč Description: Myeloblasts - single Auer rod is present in the blast on the right side
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 7
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of several blasts.  / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací, v cytoplazmě několika blastů  je solitární Auerova tyč.
Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of several blasts.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2-bone marrow 6
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation. / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací. Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML M2- bone marrow 5
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of blast at the bottom of the picture.  / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací, v cytoplazmě  blastu v dolní části obrázku je solitární Auerova tyč.
Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of blast at the bottom of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2-bone marrow 4
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size,some with granulation;single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of several blasts;  / Infiltrace blasty,střední až větší velikosti,některé s granulací,v cytoplazmě několika blastů  je solitární Auerova tyč;
Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size,some with granulation;single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of several blasts;
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 1
In the center two blasts and promyelocyte, one blast with single Auer rod. / V centru dva blasty a promyelocyty , jeden blast se solitární Auerovou tyčí. Description: In the center two blasts and promyelocyte, one blast with single Auer rod.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 3
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of second blast from the right. Some of neutrophils are with nuclear hyposegmentation and cytoplasmatic hypogranulation. Numerous naked cells. / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací, v cytoplazmě druhého blastu zprava je Auerova tyč;
některé buňky neutrofilní řady vykazují známky hyposegmentace a hypogranulace. Četná holá jádra. Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of second blast from the right. Some of neutrophils are with nuclear hyposegmentation and cytoplasmatic hypogranulation. Numerous naked cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod, hyposegmentation, hypogranulation
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Two early erythroblasts and one late erythroblast, they have non-round nucleus; cytoplasmic blebs, that one at 4 o'clock is bi-nuclear. Three blasts - two of them are II. type myeloblasts  with few azurhopilic granules, that lower one without any differentiating features.  / Dva časné erytroblasty a jeden pozdní erytroblast, mají zneokrouhledné jádro, cytoplazmatické "puchýře", ten na 4. hodině je dvojjaderný. Tři blasty - dva z nich jsou myeloblasty II. typu s několika azurofilními granuly, ten spodní bez jakýchkoli rozlišujících rysů. Description: Two early erythroblasts and one late erythroblast, they have non-round nucleus; cytoplasmic blebs, that one at 4 o'clock is bi-nuclear. Three blasts - two of them are II. type myeloblasts with few azurhopilic granules, that lower one without any differentiating features.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, erythroblast
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
In the middle of the picture is dysplastic erythroblast  with mature abundant ortochomatophilic cytoplasm and irregular shape of the nucleus. Two blast, that at 11 o'clock is myeloblast with numerous azurophilic granules.
 / Uprostřed obrázku je dysplastický erytroblast se zralou bohatou ortochromatofilní cytoplazmou a nepravidelným tvarem jádra. Dva blasty, ten na 11. hodině je myeloblast s početnými azurofilními granuly. Description: In the middle of the picture is dysplastic erythroblast with mature abundant ortochomatophilic cytoplasm and irregular shape of the nucleus. Two blast, that at 11 o'clock is myeloblast with numerous azurophilic granules.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, erythroblast, orthochromatophilic normoblast
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Early megaloblast (at right) and dysplastic late erythroblast (at left; it has non-round nucleus and basophilic stippling). Myeloblast with some azurophilic granules in Golgi zone is under the megaloblast.   / Časný megaloblast (vpravo) a dysplastický pozdní erytroblast (vlevo; má zneokrouhlené jádro a basofilní tečkování). Myeloblast s několika azurofilními granuly v Golgiho zóně je pod megaloblastem. Description: Early megaloblast (at right) and dysplastic late erythroblast (at left; it has non-round nucleus and basophilic stippling). Myeloblast with some azurophilic granules in Golgi zone is under the megaloblast.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, erythroblast, megaloblast
AMML Eo bone marrow
Hyper-cellular bone marrow with mixture of tumour cells of granulocytic and monocytic lineages. Two characteristic eosinophil myelocytes, that in at right has vacuolized cytoplasm. Eosinophil the mostly at right is promyelocyt with numerous purple pro-granules.    / Hypercelulární kostní dřeň se směsí nádorových buněk granulocytární a monocytární linie. Dva charakteristické eozinofilní myelocyty, ten vpravo má vakuolizovanou cytoplazmu. Eozinofil nejvíce vpravo je promyelocyt s početnými purpurovými progranuly. Description: Hyper-cellular bone marrow with mixture of tumour cells of granulocytic and monocytic lineages. Two characteristic eosinophil myelocytes, that in at right has vacuolized cytoplasm. Eosinophil the mostly at right is promyelocyt with numerous purple pro-granules.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, eosinophil, promonocyte, monocyte
AMML Eo bone marrow
Several blasts with heterogeneous morphology, one monocyte and two eosinophils. This one at the left is really immature (promyelocyte), has a few large granules purple-violet in colour reminding basophilic granulation mixing with eosinophlic granules.  Naked nuclei and damaged cells. / Několik blastů různorodé morfologie, jeden monocyt a dva eozinofily. Ten vlevo je skutečně nezralý (promyelocyt), má několik velkých granulí purpurově-fialové barvy připomínající basofilní granulaci smíchaných s granulemi eozinofilními. Holá jádra a poškozené buňky. Description: Several blasts with heterogeneous morphology, one monocyte and two eosinophils. This one at the left is really immature (promyelocyte), has a few large granules purple-violet in colour reminding basophilic granulation mixing with eosinophlic granules. Naked nuclei and damaged cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, monocyte
In the upper part of the picture note a myeloblast wiht Auer rods, and  nucleoli. Below this cell  there is a  plasmatic cell and two promyelocytes.
On the right there  is a group of two megaloblasts and two normoblast.   / V horní části obrázku  leží myeloblast s několika Auerovými tyčemi, v jádře zřetelná jadérka, pod ním plasmatická buňka a dva promyelocyty.
Vpravo skupina erytroblastů se 2 normoblasty a 2 megaloblasty.

Description: In the upper part of the picture note a myeloblast wiht Auer rods, and nucleoli. Below this cell there is a plasmatic cell and two promyelocytes. On the right there is a group of two megaloblasts and two normoblast.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, normoblast, plasma cell, megaloblast, Auer rod
APL- bone marrow 2
Smear  shows  "faggot cells" with numerous Auer rods, myeloblasts and above to the left hypergranulated myelocyte. / Nátěr ukazuje "faggot cells" s početnými Auerovými tyčemi, vlevo nahoře hypergranulovaný myelocyt. Description: Smear shows "faggot cells" with numerous Auer rods, myeloblasts and above to the left hypergranulated myelocyte.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, Auer rod, faggot cell, hypergranulation
APL- bone marrow 1
At centre  of the picture is "faggot cell" and myeloblast. / Uprostřed snímku "faggot cell" a myeloblast. Description: At centre of the picture is "faggot cell" and myeloblast.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, faggot cell
APL -peripheral blood 2
Smear shows myeloblast with Auer rods. / Nátěr ukazuje myeloblast s přítomností Auerových tyčí. Description: Smear shows myeloblast with Auer rods.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
CML - bone marrow
Bone marrow is hyper-cellular with granulocytic hyperplasia. Cellular maturation is normal. This point shows myeloblasts accumulation (7 at the picture), but average count of the blast is 3,6% (per 500  nucleated cells of the bone marrow).  / Kostní dřeň je hypercelulární s granulocytární hyperplázií. Buněčné vyzrávání je normální. Toto místo ukazuje nakupení myeloblastů (7 na obrázku), ale průměrný počet blastů je 3,6% (na 500 jaderných buněk kostní dřeně). Description: Bone marrow is hyper-cellular with granulocytic hyperplasia. Cellular maturation is normal. This point shows myeloblasts accumulation (7 at the picture), but average count of the blast is 3,6% (per 500 nucleated cells of the bone marrow).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
NE cytochemical reaction+NaF block: Partial, but distinct decrease in NE positivity of all leukemic cells. / Barvení na NE s blokádou NaF. Částečná ale zřetelná blokáda všech bb. Description: NE cytochemical reaction+NaF block: Partial, but distinct decrease in NE positivity of all leukemic cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, monoblast
Myeloperoxidase reaction (MPOX). All cells , except nucleated RBCs are positive. / Barvení na myeloperoxidázu (MPOX). Kromě jederných červených krvinek jsou všechny bb. na snímku pozitivní. Description: Myeloperoxidase reaction (MPOX). All cells , except nucleated RBCs are positive.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, monoblast
Non specific esterase (NSE) - alpha naphtyl acetate (ANAE). All cells are more or less positive. / Nespecifická esteráza (NE), alfa naftyl acetát (ANAE). Všechny bb. jsou více nebo méně pozitivní. Description: Non specific esterase (NSE) - alpha naphtyl acetate (ANAE). All cells are more or less positive.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, monoblast
The same BM with NaF block of BE. Very weak positivity of sporadic cells only. / Tatáž KD, barvení BE s blokací NaF. Jen ojediněle velmi slabě pozitivní bb. Description: The same BM with NaF block of BE. Very weak positivity of sporadic cells only.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, monoblast
Butyrat-esterase (BE) in M4 Eo.
In the centre 2 strongly positive blasts (positivity typical for monocytes), right and downwards 2 cells with weak BE positivity. / Barvení na butyrát esterázu (BE) u M4 Eo.
Uprostřed 2 silně pozitivní blasty (pozitivita typická pro monocyty). Vpravo a dole 2 bb. se slabou pozitivitou BE. Description: Butyrat-esterase (BE) in M4 Eo. In the centre 2 strongly positive blasts (positivity typical for monocytes), right and downwards 2 cells with weak BE positivity.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, monoblast
Myeloid and monocytic blast cells, on the right side 3 immature eosinophiles. 
Note large basophilic granules in adition to eosinophilic ones in cells seen on the right.. / Na obrázku myeloidní a monocytoidní blastické bb. V pravé polovině 3 mladé Eo, vpravo nahoře a vpravo dole bb., které mají kromě eosinofilních i velká basofilní granula. Description: Myeloid and monocytic blast cells, on the right side 3 immature eosinophiles. Note large basophilic granules in adition to eosinophilic ones in cells seen on the right..
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, metamyelocyte, eosinophil, monoblast