Therapy related myelodyplastic syndrome

Autor*: A. Buliková

48 years old woman has been treated for ovarian cancer ( surgery, chemotherapy - taxans, carboplatinum, topotecanum) for two years. The severe bicytopenia has developed during last two months (hemoglobin 65,8 g/l, platelets 7G/l). Peripheral blood smear proves sever thrombocytopenia, but does not show any change in leukocyte differential blood count. In bone marrow are 6 - 10% myeloblasts, dysplastic changes of erythropoiesis and in megakaryocytes. Final diagnosis is myelodysplastic syndrome therapy related, refractory anaemia with excess blasts I (RAEB I).

Refractory anaemia with excess blasts I


MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Dysplastic bi-nucleated erythroblasts (they are oxyphil with basophilic stippling, abundant cytoplasm, nuclei have different size and relatively immature chromatin). Megakaryoblast with cytoplasmic blebs is above the centre of the picture.   / Dysplastické dvojjaderné erytroblasty (jsou oxyfilní s basofilním tečkováním, objemnou cytoplazmou, jádra mají rozdílnou velikost a relativně nezralý chromatin). Megakaryoblast s cytoplazmatickými "puchýřky" je nad středem obrázku. Description: Dysplastic bi-nucleated erythroblasts (they are oxyphil with basophilic stippling, abundant cytoplasm, nuclei have different size and relatively immature chromatin). Megakaryoblast with cytoplasmic blebs is above the centre of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: megakaryoblast, erythroblast
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Early megaloblast (at right) and dysplastic late erythroblast (at left; it has non-round nucleus and basophilic stippling). Myeloblast with some azurophilic granules in Golgi zone is under the megaloblast.   / Časný megaloblast (vpravo) a dysplastický pozdní erytroblast (vlevo; má zneokrouhlené jádro a basofilní tečkování). Myeloblast s několika azurofilními granuly v Golgiho zóně je pod megaloblastem. Description: Early megaloblast (at right) and dysplastic late erythroblast (at left; it has non-round nucleus and basophilic stippling). Myeloblast with some azurophilic granules in Golgi zone is under the megaloblast.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, erythroblast, megaloblast
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
In the middle of the picture is dysplastic erythroblast  with mature abundant ortochomatophilic cytoplasm and irregular shape of the nucleus. Two blast, that at 11 o'clock is myeloblast with numerous azurophilic granules.
 / Uprostřed obrázku je dysplastický erytroblast se zralou bohatou ortochromatofilní cytoplazmou a nepravidelným tvarem jádra. Dva blasty, ten na 11. hodině je myeloblast s početnými azurofilními granuly. Description: In the middle of the picture is dysplastic erythroblast with mature abundant ortochomatophilic cytoplasm and irregular shape of the nucleus. Two blast, that at 11 o'clock is myeloblast with numerous azurophilic granules.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, erythroblast, orthochromatophilic normoblast
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Late erythroblasts - that one in the middle with atypical mitosis and Howell-Jolly body, another one (at 8 o'clock) with completely fragmented nucleus.    / Pozdní erytroblasty - ten uprostřed s atypickou mitózou a Howell-Jollyho tělískem, další (na 8. hodině) s kompletně fragmentovaným jádrem. Description: Late erythroblasts - that one in the middle with atypical mitosis and Howell-Jolly body, another one (at 8 o'clock) with completely fragmented nucleus.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: erythroblast, Howell-Jolly body, mitosis
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Two early erythroblasts and one late erythroblast, they have non-round nucleus; cytoplasmic blebs, that one at 4 o'clock is bi-nuclear. Three blasts - two of them are II. type myeloblasts  with few azurhopilic granules, that lower one without any differentiating features.  / Dva časné erytroblasty a jeden pozdní erytroblast, mají zneokrouhledné jádro, cytoplazmatické "puchýře", ten na 4. hodině je dvojjaderný. Tři blasty - dva z nich jsou myeloblasty II. typu s několika azurofilními granuly, ten spodní bez jakýchkoli rozlišujících rysů. Description: Two early erythroblasts and one late erythroblast, they have non-round nucleus; cytoplasmic blebs, that one at 4 o'clock is bi-nuclear. Three blasts - two of them are II. type myeloblasts with few azurhopilic granules, that lower one without any differentiating features.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, erythroblast
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Poly-nuclear form of basophilic megakaryocyte 8N (N=number of sets of chromosomes) with really immature nuclei - fine chromatin, multiple nucleoli. / Vícejaderná forma basofilního megakaryocytu 8N (Ń=počet chromosomových sad) se skutečně nezralými jádry - jemný chromatin, vícečetná jadérka. Description: Poly-nuclear form of basophilic megakaryocyte 8N (N=number of sets of chromosomes) with really immature nuclei - fine chromatin, multiple nucleoli.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: megakaryocyte