AML without maturation

Autor*: A. Buliková, J. Kissová

74 years old man comes to hospital with short history of fever higher than 38°C and bleeding symptoms. CBC shows really high white blood cell count (WBC 193 G/l), severe anaemia (Hb 69 g/l) and thrombocytopenia (PLT 7 G/l). Peripheral blood smears finds considerable numbers of circulating blasts (89%). The blasts represent dominant population of all nucleated cells also in bone marrow smears (95%). Myeloperoxidase staining is positive in more than 3% of these blasts. Flow cytometry confirm myeloid origin of the blasts it means myeloblasts. If they are fulfil another criteria (maturing granulocytic component < 10%, maturing monocytic component < 10%), final diagnosis in patient is acute myeloblastic leukaemia without maturation (AML M1 in FAB classification).

Acute myeloid leukaemia without maturation


AML without maturation - PB
Myeloblasts in peripheral blood smear represent dominant population. These are large cell, they have high nucleocytoplasmic ratio. Their nucleus has diffuse fine chromatin pattern and one or more nucleoli. The cytoplasm is moderately basophilic in this case and do not contain any granulation.  / Myeloblasty v nátěru perifetní krve představují dominující populaci. Jsou to velké buňky, mají vysoký nukleocytoplazmatický poměr. Jejich jádro má difusní jemný vzhled chromatinu a jedno či více jadérek. Cytoplazma je v tomto případě středně basofilní a neobsahuje žádnou granulaci. Description: Myeloblasts in peripheral blood smear represent dominant population. These are large cell, they have high nucleocytoplasmic ratio. Their nucleus has diffuse fine chromatin pattern and one or more nucleoli. The cytoplasm is moderately basophilic in this case and do not contain any granulation.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML without maturation - PB
Another picture of the myeloblast in the patient with AML without maturation. Number of the cells at the field of view confirms high leukocyte count which is find by cell blood analyser. Appearance of the cells is same as in previous picture.   / Jiný obrázek myeloblastů u nemocného s AML bez vyzrávání. Počet buněk v zorném poli potvrzuje vysoký počet leukocytů, který je zjišťován analyzátorem krevních elementů. Vzhled buněk je stejný jako na předchozím obrázku. Description: Another picture of the myeloblast in the patient with AML without maturation. Number of the cells at the field of view confirms high leukocyte count which is find by cell blood analyser. Appearance of the cells is same as in previous picture.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML without maturation- PB
There are nine myeloblasts and two lymphocytes (5 and 10 o'clock) in the picture. Comparison of the chromatin pattern in these two type of the cells confirm really fine chromatin in myeloblasts.  / Na obrázku je devět myeloblastů a dva lymfocyty (na 5. a 10. hodině). Srovnání charakteru chromatinu obou typů buněk potvrzuje opravdu jemný chromatin u myeloblastů. Description: There are nine myeloblasts and two lymphocytes (5 and 10 o'clock) in the picture. Comparison of the chromatin pattern in these two type of the cells confirm really fine chromatin in myeloblasts.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, lymphocyte
AML without maturation- PB
There are myeloblasts of various size in peripheral blood. No other cell types are find.  / Myeloblasty různé velikosti jsou v periferní krvi. Žádné jiné buněčné typy nejsou zjišťovány. Description: There are myeloblasts of various size in peripheral blood. No other cell types are find.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML without maturation- PB
Almost only myeloblasts are detected in peripheral blood. They are various size with moderate to almost strong basophilic cytoplasm without any granulation.  / Téměř výhradně myeloblasty jsou zjišťovány v periferní krvi. Jsou různé velikosti se středně až téměř silně basofilní cytoplazmou bez jakékoli granulace. Description: Almost only myeloblasts are detected in peripheral blood. They are various size with moderate to almost strong basophilic cytoplasm without any granulation.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML without maturation- BM
Bone marrow is rich and infiltrated by uniform population of myeloblasts. There are only two lymphocytes (in the middle and at 6 o'clock) there; they can be distinguished by mature chromatin and markable smaller cell¨s size. One promyelocyte - large cell, ex-centric nucleus, numerous azurophilic granulation - is at the bottom of the picture (8 o'clock).  / Kostní dřeň je bohatá a infiltrovaná uniformní populací myeloblastů. Jsou zde jen dva lymfocyty (uprostřed a na 6. hodině); tyto mohou být odlišeny podle zralého chromatinu a zřetelně menší velikosti buňky. Jeden promyelocyt - větší buňka, excentrické jádro, početná azurofilní granulace - je v dolní části obrázku (na 8. hodině). Description: Bone marrow is rich and infiltrated by uniform population of myeloblasts. There are only two lymphocytes (in the middle and at 6 o'clock) there; they can be distinguished by mature chromatin and markable smaller cell¨s size. One promyelocyte - large cell, ex-centric nucleus, numerous azurophilic granulation - is at the bottom of the picture (8 o'clock).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, lymphocyte
AML without maturation- BM
There are numerous myeloblasts with fine nuclear chromatin, one to four nucleoli, moderately basophilic cytoplasm without granulation. No other more mature cells of granulocytic lineage are find. One cell of erythroid lineage is at 7 o'clock.  / Tady jsou četné myeloblasty s jemným jaderným chromatinem,  jedním až čtyřmi jadérky, středně bazofilní cytoplazmou bez granulace. Žádné další více zralé buňky granulocytární řady nejsou zjišťovány. Jedna buňka erytroidní linie je na 7. hodině. Description: There are numerous myeloblasts with fine nuclear chromatin, one to four nucleoli, moderately basophilic cytoplasm without granulation. No other more mature cells of granulocytic lineage are find. One cell of erythroid lineage is at 7 o'clock.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, polychromatophilic normoblast
AML without maturation- BM
Hypercellular bone marrow with dominant population of myeloblasts. Only one segmented neutrophil is above the picture's centre, it is hypogranular. There is also one mature plasmocyte at 11 o'clock. Due to rich smear not all cells can be definitely distinguished.  / Hypercelulární kostní dřen s převažující populací myeloblastů. Jen jeden neutrofilní segment je nad středem obráźku, je hypogranulovaný. Jeden zralý plazmocyt je také na 11. hodině. Z důvodů bohatého nátěru ne všechny buňky mohou být s jistotou rozpoznány. Description: Hypercellular bone marrow with dominant population of myeloblasts. Only one segmented neutrophil is above the picture's centre, it is hypogranular. There is also one mature plasmocyte at 11 o'clock. Due to rich smear not all cells can be definitely distinguished.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, segmented granulocyte, plasma cell
AML without maturation- BM- MPOX
There are the  most negative cells in myeloperoxidase staining. But three immature cells in the picture (at left) are cleary positive. One positive cell at right is more mature (metamyelocyte or even band) and cannot be count in numer of positive blasts.   / Většina buněk je negativní v barvení myeloperoxidázy. Ale tři nezralé buňky na obrázku (vlevo) jsou jasně pozitivní. Jedna pozitivní buňka vpravo je více zralá (metamyelocyt nebo dokonce tyčka) a nemůže být započtena do počtu pozitivních blastů. Description: There are the most negative cells in myeloperoxidase staining. But three immature cells in the picture (at left) are cleary positive. One positive cell at right is more mature (metamyelocyte or even band) and cannot be count in numer of positive blasts.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, metamyelocyte, band, myeloperoxidase stain