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Nalezené studie* (n=5)

id název* obrázků* autor* vytvořeno* modifikováno* schváleno* schválil*
172 cs: Mikrogranulární varianta APL
en: Microgranular variant APL
10 A. Buliková, J. Kissová 21.7.2008, 17:58 9.9.2009, 21:29 9.9.2009, 21:29 J. Kissová
140 cs: AML
en: AML
8 Jaroslava Hoblová, A. Buliková, J. Kissová 27.4.2008, 20:38 17.6.2008, 11:36 17.6.2008, 11:36 J. Kissová
96 cs: Akutní myeloidní leukémie s vyzráváním, AML M2
en: Acute myeloid leukaemia with maturation, AML M2
12 Irena Trnavská 11.6.2007, 0:32 2.10.2007, 16:09 2.10.2007, 16:09 J. Kissová
46 cs: MDS RAEB II
10 A. Kubíková 13.12.2006, 9:55 3.12.2007, 19:41 3.12.2007, 19:41 Jan Blatný
25 cs: AML M4 Eo
en: AML M4 Eo
8 S. Valníček 27.10.2006, 13:47 4.12.2007, 10:41 4.12.2007, 10:41 Jan Blatný

Nalezené obrázky* (n=25)

microgranular variant APL- BM
In all cases of acute leukaemia with bilobar nuclei it is really necessary carefully search for cells with bundles Auer rods in cytoplasm ("faggot cells"). This finding brings high suspicion to diagnose of microgranular variant of APL, which should be confirmed by cytogenetic and/or molecular genetic examination - presence of 
t(15;17) and/or PML/RARalfa fusion gene.    / Ve všech případech akutní leukémie s bilobárními jádry je opravdu nezbytné pečlivě pátrat po buňkách se snopci Auerových tyčí v cytoplazmě ("faggot cells"). Tento nález přináší vysoké podezření na diagnózu mikrogranulární varianty APL, která by měla být potvrzena cytogenatickým a/nebo molekulárně genatickým vyšetřením - přítomnost t(15;17) a/nebo PML/RARalfa fúzního genu. Description: In all cases of acute leukaemia with bilobar nuclei it is really necessary carefully search for cells with bundles Auer rods in cytoplasm ("faggot cells"). This finding brings high suspicion to diagnose of microgranular variant of APL, which should be confirmed by cytogenetic and/or molecular genetic examination - presence of t(15;17) and/or PML/RARalfa fusion gene.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: promyelocyte, Auer rod, faggot cell
microgranular variant APL- PB
Bi-lobar nucleus and clear Auer rod but in almost agranular cytoplasm are typical features in the cell at upper left. Two large lobes of nucleus joined by a narrow bridge (cell at the 3 o'clock) present another characteristics of the variant form PML.  / Bilobární jádro a  jasná Auerova tyč, ale v téměř agranulární cytoplazmě,  jsou typické známky v buňce nahoře vlevo. Dva velké laloky jádra spojené tenkým můstkem (buňka na 3. hodině) představují jiné charakteristické rysy variantní formy PML. Description: Bi-lobar nucleus and clear Auer rod but in almost agranular cytoplasm are typical features in the cell at upper left. Two large lobes of nucleus joined by a narrow bridge (cell at the 3 o'clock) present another characteristics of the variant form PML.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: promyelocyte
microgranular variant APL- PB
Some pathological promyelocytes are completely agranular (lower left) with kidney shaped nucleus. Some Auer rods even in bundles can be find almost in every cases - in this one there are 3-4 thick Auer rods in the second cell from bellow at right.   / Některé patologické promyelocyty jsou úplně agranulární (vlevo dole) s ledvinovým tvarem jádra. Auerovy tyče  dokonce ve snopcích mohou být nalezeny téměř ve všech případech - v tomto jsou 3-4 silné Auerovy tyče ve druhé buňce zespodu vpravo. Description: Some pathological promyelocytes are completely agranular (lower left) with kidney shaped nucleus. Some Auer rods even in bundles can be find almost in every cases - in this one there are 3-4 thick Auer rods in the second cell from bellow at right.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: promyelocyte, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
Peripheral blood smear in AML shows II-nd type myeloblast with Auer rod at the right and lymphocyte at the left.  / Nátěr periferní krve u AML ukazuje myeloblast II. typu s Auerovou tyčí vpravo a lymfocyt vlevo. Description: Peripheral blood smear in AML shows II-nd type myeloblast with Auer rod at the right and lymphocyte at the left.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, lymphocyte, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
The II-nd type myeloblast. Cell with fine chromatin structure, high nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, three clear nucleoli. Large centrosome is discernible as a lighter juxtanuclear zone with a slight depression of the nucleus; this is sing of more mature cell ( promyelocyte of normal bone marrow). The apparent Auer rod is in the cytoplasm of the cell. . / Myeloblast II. typu. Buňka s jemnou strukturou chromatinu, vysokým nukleo/cytoplazmatickým poměrem, třemi jadérky. Velký centrosom je rozeznatelný jako světlejší juxtanukleární oblast s promáčknutím jádra; to je známka více zralé buňky (promyelocyt v normální kostní dřeni). Zřetelná Auerova tyč je v cytoplazmě buňky. Description: The II-nd type myeloblast. Cell with fine chromatin structure, high nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, three clear nucleoli. Large centrosome is discernible as a lighter juxtanuclear zone with a slight depression of the nucleus; this is sing of more mature cell ( promyelocyte of normal bone marrow). The apparent Auer rod is in the cytoplasm of the cell. .
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
Another example of the II-nd type of myeloblast. Cytoplasm contains not only Auer rod but also fine azurophilic granulation. / Jiný příklad myeloblastu 2. typu. Cytoplazma obsahuje nejen Auerovu tyč, ale také jemnou azurofilní granulaci.  Description: Another example of the II-nd type of myeloblast. Cytoplasm contains not only Auer rod but also fine azurophilic granulation.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
The II-nd type myeloblast with Auer rod. / Myeloblast II. typu s Auerovou tyčí. Description: The II-nd type myeloblast with Auer rod.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML- peripheral blood
The I-st type myeloblast in peripheral blood - without any azurophilic granules and/or Auer rods; according to irregular nucleus shape with two chromatin projections one could speculate about tumour origin of this cell.  / Myeloblast I. typu - bez azurofilních granulí a/nebo Auerových tyčí; podle nepravidelného tvaru jádra s dvěma výběžky chromatinu lze přemýšlet o nádorovém původu této buňky. Description: The I-st type myeloblast in peripheral blood - without any azurophilic granules and/or Auer rods; according to irregular nucleus shape with two chromatin projections one could speculate about tumour origin of this cell.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast
AML M2- peripheral blood 3
Blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in  cytoplasm of the blast on the left side of the picture; nuclear indentation is present in the larger blast at the bottom of the picture. / Blasty a dva neutrofilní segmenty; blasty střední až větší velikosti,některé s granulací; v cytoplazmě blastu při levém okraji obrázku je přítomna Auerova tyč,ve větším blastu  v dolní části obrázku je jaderný zářez. Description: Blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of the blast on the left side of the picture; nuclear indentation is present in the larger blast at the bottom of the picture.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 2
Myeloblasts - Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of the blast in the center of the picture; nuclear indentation is present in the blast at the bottom of the picture / Myeloblasty - v cytoplazmě blastu uprostřed přítomna Auerova tyč;v blastu na spodu obrázku je přítomen jaderný zářez Description: Myeloblasts - Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of the blast in the center of the picture; nuclear indentation is present in the blast at the bottom of the picture
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- peripheral blood 2
Myeloblasts - Auer rods are present in several blasts  / Myeloblasty - v několika blastech přítomny Auerovy tyče Description: Myeloblasts - Auer rods are present in several blasts
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- peripheral blood 1
Myeloblasts - single Auer rod is present in the blast on the right side / Myeloblasty -  vpravo v cytoplazmě  blastu  solitární Auerova tyč Description: Myeloblasts - single Auer rod is present in the blast on the right side
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 7
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of several blasts.  / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací, v cytoplazmě několika blastů  je solitární Auerova tyč.
Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of several blasts.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 5
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of blast at the bottom of the picture.  / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací, v cytoplazmě  blastu v dolní části obrázku je solitární Auerova tyč.
Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of blast at the bottom of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2-bone marrow 4
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size,some with granulation;single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of several blasts;  / Infiltrace blasty,střední až větší velikosti,některé s granulací,v cytoplazmě několika blastů  je solitární Auerova tyč;
Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size,some with granulation;single Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of several blasts;
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 1
In the center two blasts and promyelocyte, one blast with single Auer rod. / V centru dva blasty a promyelocyty , jeden blast se solitární Auerovou tyčí. Description: In the center two blasts and promyelocyte, one blast with single Auer rod.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, Auer rod
AML M2- bone marrow 3
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of second blast from the right. Some of neutrophils are with nuclear hyposegmentation and cytoplasmatic hypogranulation. Numerous naked cells. / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací, v cytoplazmě druhého blastu zprava je Auerova tyč;
některé buňky neutrofilní řady vykazují známky hyposegmentace a hypogranulace. Četná holá jádra. Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of second blast from the right. Some of neutrophils are with nuclear hyposegmentation and cytoplasmatic hypogranulation. Numerous naked cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod, hyposegmentation, hypogranulation
In the upper part of the picture note a myeloblast wiht Auer rods, and  nucleoli. Below this cell  there is a  plasmatic cell and two promyelocytes.
On the right there  is a group of two megaloblasts and two normoblast.   / V horní části obrázku  leží myeloblast s několika Auerovými tyčemi, v jádře zřetelná jadérka, pod ním plasmatická buňka a dva promyelocyty.
Vpravo skupina erytroblastů se 2 normoblasty a 2 megaloblasty.

Description: In the upper part of the picture note a myeloblast wiht Auer rods, and nucleoli. Below this cell there is a plasmatic cell and two promyelocytes. On the right there is a group of two megaloblasts and two normoblast.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, normoblast, plasma cell, megaloblast, Auer rod
In the middle of this picture you can see a blast with clear Auer rods (visible clear nucleoli).
On the left there is a large metamyelocyte.
In  cells of myeloid lineage a dense hypergranulation is visible.   / Uprostřed obrázku blast s Auerovými tyčemi (zřetelná jadérka).
Na levo velký  metamyelocyt .
Hrubá hypergranulace v buňkách myelořady. Description: In the middle of this picture you can see a blast with clear Auer rods (visible clear nucleoli). On the left there is a large metamyelocyte. In cells of myeloid lineage a dense hypergranulation is visible.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: Auer rod, hypergranulation, giant metamyelocyte
Three blasts. In the cytoplasm of the blast in the middle, there are clearly seen  Auer's rods.
Below the  myelocyte there is a megaloblast.
Hypergranulation in cells of myeloid lineage. / Na obrázku 3 blasty, v cyoplasmě prostředního zřetelné Auer.tyče.
Pod myelocytem megaloblast.
Hypergranulace v buňkách myelořady. Description: Three blasts. In the cytoplasm of the blast in the middle, there are clearly seen Auer's rods. Below the myelocyte there is a megaloblast. Hypergranulation in cells of myeloid lineage.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, megaloblast, Auer rod, hypergranulation
In the upper part of the picture there is large blast with distinct granular chromatin, without visible nucleoli, in the cytoplasm  there are 4 Auer';s  rods. / V horní části obrázku velký blast s jemně zrnitým chromatinem, bez zřetelných jadérek, v cytoplasmě 4 Auerovy tyče. Description: In the upper part of the picture there is large blast with distinct granular chromatin, without visible nucleoli, in the cytoplasm there are 4 Auer';s rods.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: Auer rod
On the picture there are 6 blasts wirh visible nucleoli, in the cytoplasm of one of the blasts on the left  the Auer's rod is visible.  / Na obrázku 6 blastů se zřetelnými jadérky, v cytoplasmě druhého blastu od spodního okraje Auerova tyč. Description: On the picture there are 6 blasts wirh visible nucleoli, in the cytoplasm of one of the blasts on the left the Auer's rod is visible.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: Auer rod
APL- bone marrow 2
Smear  shows  "faggot cells" with numerous Auer rods, myeloblasts and above to the left hypergranulated myelocyte. / Nátěr ukazuje "faggot cells" s početnými Auerovými tyčemi, vlevo nahoře hypergranulovaný myelocyt. Description: Smear shows "faggot cells" with numerous Auer rods, myeloblasts and above to the left hypergranulated myelocyte.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, Auer rod, faggot cell, hypergranulation
APL- peripheral blood 3
"Faggot cell" in blood smear (bundles of Auer rods). / Přítomnost "faggot cell" v nátěru periferní krve (snopce Auerových tyčí). Description: "Faggot cell" in blood smear (bundles of Auer rods).
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: faggot cell
APL -peripheral blood 2
Smear shows myeloblast with Auer rods. / Nátěr ukazuje myeloblast s přítomností Auerových tyčí. Description: Smear shows myeloblast with Auer rods.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod