Výsledky hledání*
Nalezené studie* (n=6)
id | název* | obrázků* | autor* | vytvořeno* | modifikováno* | schváleno* | schválil* |
131 | cs: AML M5a en: AML M5a |
8 | S. Valníček | 21.1.2008, 12:49 | 1.7.2010, 11:26 | 1.7.2010, 11:26 | Jan Blatný |
109 | cs: Akutní monocytární leukémie en: Acute monocytic leukaemia |
15 | A. Buliková | 4.8.2007, 20:20 | 2.10.2007, 16:09 | 2.10.2007, 16:09 | J. Kissová |
92 | cs: Akutní monoblastická leukémie bez vyzrávání en: Acute monoblastic leukaemia without maturation |
5 | A. Buliková | 3.6.2007, 21:20 | 2.10.2007, 13:13 | 2.10.2007, 13:13 | J. Kissová |
91 | cs: AMML EO s inv(16) en: AMML Eo with inv(16) |
8 | A. Buliková | 3.6.2007, 12:34 | 2.10.2007, 13:12 | 2.10.2007, 13:12 | J. Kissová |
36 | cs: Neuroblastom en: Neuroblastoma |
6 | S. Valníček | 21.11.2006, 13:45 | 3.12.2007, 18:50 | 3.12.2007, 18:50 | Jan Blatný |
25 | cs: AML M4 Eo en: AML M4 Eo |
8 | S. Valníček | 27.10.2006, 13:47 | 4.12.2007, 10:41 | 4.12.2007, 10:41 | Jan Blatný |
Nalezené obrázky* (n=27)
microgranular variant APL- BM, MPOX
Description: Myeloperoxidase reaction is strongly positive in contrast with "monocyte appearance" of some tumour cells in variant APL (in monocytes is usually weak or almost negative MPOX reaction). This finding can support suspicion to granulocytic origin of leukemic cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloperoxidase stain
![Myeloperoxidase reaction is strongly positive in contrast with "monocyte appearance" of some tumour cells in variant APL (in monocytes is usually weak or almost negative MPOX reaction). This finding can support suspicion to granulocytic origin of leukemic cells. / Reakce myeloperoxidázy je silně pozitivní na rozdíl od "monocytoidního vzhledu" některých nádorových buněk u variantní APL (v monocytech je obvykle slabá nebo téměř negativní reakce MPOX). Tento nález může podpořit podezření na granulocytární původ leukemických buněk.](./obr/48856bd23c89c.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloperoxidase stain
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma - ALK negative
Description: Two lymphoma cells are in the picture. One of them is large with almost round nucleus with fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli, abundant basophilic cytoplasm converts to more basophilic at the right perinuclear area. Another lymphoma cell is smaller (at 8 o'clock) with ex-centric nucleus. It contains fine chromatin and 2 to 3 small nucleoli. Other cells of the picture belong to neutrophil lineage including one mitosis (at the right from the centre). There is one monocyte above at large lymphoma cell.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monocyte, lymphocyte atypical
![Two lymphoma cells are in the picture. One of them is large with almost round nucleus with fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli, abundant basophilic cytoplasm converts to more basophilic at the right perinuclear area. Another lymphoma cell is smaller (at 8 o'clock) with ex-centric nucleus. It contains fine chromatin and 2 to 3 small nucleoli. Other cells of the picture belong to neutrophil lineage including one mitosis (at the right from the centre). There is one monocyte above at large lymphoma cell. / Na obrázku jsou dvě lymfomové buňky. Jedna z nich je velká s téměř kulatým jádrem, s jemným jaderným chromatinem a prominujícími jadérky, bohatá bazofilní cytoplazma se mění ve více eozinofilní v pravé perinukleární oblasti. Jiná lymfomová buňka (na 8. hodině) je menší s excentrickým jádrem. Obsahuje jemný jaderný chromatin a 2-3 malá jadérka. Další buňky na obrázku patří neutrofilní řadě včetně jedné mitózy (napravo od středu). Jeden monocyt je nad velkou lymfomovou buňkou.](./obr/485ea83cac748.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monocyte, lymphocyte atypical
Hairy cell leukaemia- PB
Description: Some hairy cell can remind monocyte, but cytoplasm is pale blue in this case instead of grey in monocytes. On the other hand monocytopenia is typical sign in hairy cell leukemia. There is normal lymphocyte at upper right.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: hairy cell
![Some hairy cell can remind monocyte, but cytoplasm is pale blue in this case instead of grey in monocytes. On the other hand monocytopenia is typical sign in hairy cell leukemia. There is normal lymphocyte at upper right. / Některé vlasaté buňky mohou přípomínat monocyty, ale cytoplazma je v tomto případě světle modrá na rozdíl od šedé u monocytů. Naopak monocytopenie je typickou známkou u vlasatobuněčné leukémie. Nahoře vpravo je normální lymfocyt.](./obr/483e8ec27d5c4.jpg)
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: hairy cell
AML M5b NE with NaF
Description: The addition of natrium fluoride in non-specific esterase reaction blocks it's positivity in monocytic lineage (compare with previous picture).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monocyte
![The addition of natrium fluoride in non-specific esterase reaction blocks it's positivity in monocytic lineage (compare with previous picture). / Přidání natrium fluoridu k reakci nespecifické esterázy blokuje její pozitivitu v monocytární linii (srovnej s předchozím obrázkem).](./obr/46b4e3a3720ef.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monocyte
AML M5b bone marrow - NE
Description: Monoblasts and promonocytes show intense non-specific esterase reaction.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte
![Monoblasts and promonocytes show intense non-specific esterase reaction. / Monoblasty a promonocyty vykazují intenzivní reakci v nespecifické esteráze.](./obr/46b4e2c5f0fe7.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte
AML M5b bone marrow - MPOX
Description: Monoloblast are typically myeloperoxidase negative, promonocytes may show some scattered MPOX positivity (probably larger cell at 8 o'clock; that smaller one is positive segmented granulocyte).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: segmented granulocyte, monoblast, promonocyte
![Monoloblast are typically myeloperoxidase negative, promonocytes may show some scattered MPOX positivity (probably larger cell at 8 o'clock; that smaller one is positive segmented granulocyte). / Monoblasty jsou typicky myeloperoxidáza negativní, promonocyty mohou vykazovat jistou roztroušenou MPOX pozitivitu (pravděpodobně větší buňka na 8. hodině; ta menší je pozitivní neutrofilní segment).](./obr/46b4e1f730f8d.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: segmented granulocyte, monoblast, promonocyte
AML M5b bone marrow
Description: Tumour cells can phagocyte one another in acute monocytic leukaemia.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte
![Tumour cells can phagocyte one another in acute monocytic leukaemia. / U akutní monocytární leukémie se mohou nádorové buňky vzájemně fagocytovat.](./obr/46b4e10abe300.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte
AML M5b bone marrow
Description: Vacuolated cytoplasm is characteristic sign of monoblasts and promonocytes. Erythrophagocytosis may be observed.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, vacuolisation
![Vacuolated cytoplasm is characteristic sign of monoblasts and promonocytes. Erythrophagocytosis may be observed. / Vakuolizovaná cytoplazma je charakteristickou známkou pro monoblasty a promonocyty. Může být pozorována erytrofagocytóza.](./obr/46b4dacea6c76.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, vacuolisation
AML M5b bone marrow
Description: Promonocytes, monocytes and one monoblast (at 5 o'clock). The presence of neutrophil cells can be rarely find (segmented neutrophil at 11 o'clock). Monocytic lineage represents > 80% nucleated bone marrow cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: segmented granulocyte, monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte
![Promonocytes, monocytes and one monoblast (at 5 o'clock). The presence of neutrophil cells can be rarely find (segmented neutrophil at 11 o'clock). Monocytic lineage represents > 80% nucleated bone marrow cells. / Promonocyty, monocyty a jeden monoblast (na 5. hodině). Vzácně může být zastižena přítomnost neutrofilních buněk (neutrofilní segment na 11. hodině). Monocytární řada představuje > 80 % jaderných buněk dřeně.](./obr/46b4d8521398d.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: segmented granulocyte, monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte
AML M5b bone marrow
Description: Bone marrow smear show monoblasts and promonocytes. They represent 73,6 % of nucleated bone marrow cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte
![Bone marrow smear show monoblasts and promonocytes. They represent 73,6 % of nucleated bone marrow cells. / Nátěry kostní dřeně ukazují monoblasty a promonocyty. Tyto představují 73,6% jaderných buněk dřeně.](./obr/46b4d76e23390.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte
AML M5b peripheral blood
Description: More or less mature cells of monocytic lineage form dominant population in peripheral blood.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte
![More or less mature cells of monocytic lineage form dominant population in peripheral blood. / Více či méně zralé buňky monocytární řady tvoří dominující populaci v periferní krvi.](./obr/46b4d603f0267.jpg)
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte
AML M5b peripheral blood
Description: Two promonocytes in periheral blood. They have smaller N/C ratio, more mature chromatin and irregular shape of the nucleus when one compares them with monoblasts.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: promonocyte
![Two promonocytes in periheral blood. They have smaller N/C ratio, more mature chromatin and irregular shape of the nucleus when one compares them with monoblasts. / Dva promonocyty v periferní krvi. Mají menší N/C poměr, více zralý chromatin a nepravidelný tvar jádra v porovnání s monoblasty.](./obr/46b4d2a25959e.jpg)
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: promonocyte
AML M5b peripheral blood
Description: One segmented neutrophil and two atypical monocytes - they have more basophilic cytoplasm and lower one has obvious and large nulceoli.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: segmented granulocyte, monocyte
![One segmented neutrophil and two atypical monocytes - they have more basophilic cytoplasm and lower one has obvious and large nulceoli. / Jeden neutrofilní segment a dva atypické monocyty - mají více basofilní cytoplazma a spodní má jasná a velká jadérka.](./obr/46b4ce5a6c153.jpg)
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: segmented granulocyte, monocyte
AML M5a NE with NaF
Description: The staining of non-specific esterase (alpha naphthyl acetate esterase ) - strong positivity is blockated by natrium fluoride in immature cells of monocytic lineage (compare with previous picture).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte
![The staining of non-specific esterase (alpha naphthyl acetate esterase ) - strong positivity is blockated by natrium fluoride in immature cells of monocytic lineage (compare with previous picture). / Barvení na nespecifickou esterázu - silná pozitivita je blokována natrium fluoridem v nezralých buňkách monocytární linie (srovnej s předchozím obrázkem).](./obr/466316e624a52.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte
Description: The monoblast and promonocytes show intense non-specific esterase activity.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte
![The monoblast and promonocytes show intense non-specific esterase activity. / Monoblasty a promonocyty vykazují intenzivní aktivitu nespecifické esterázy.](./obr/466316a108f0e.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte
AML M5a bone marrow
Description: The great majority of non-destroyed cells are monoblasts. Their shape varies from round to oval, cytoplasm is abundant, it may contain fine granules and numerous vacuoles. Some of the cells are more mature promonocytes (at 9 o'clock) and monocytes (at 3 o'clock).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte
![The great majority of non-destroyed cells are monoblasts. Their shape varies from round to oval, cytoplasm is abundant, it may contain fine granules and numerous vacuoles. Some of the cells are more mature promonocytes (at 9 o'clock) and monocytes (at 3 o'clock). / Velká většina nepoškozených buněk jsou monoblasty. Jejich tvar kolísá od kulatému k oválnému, cytoplazma je bohatá, může obsahovat jemná granula a četné vakuoly. Některé z buněk jsou více zralé promonocyty (na 9. hodině) a monocyty (na 3. hodině).](./obr/4663164f350af.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, monocyte
AML M5a peripheral blood
Description: Six blasts with weakly to strong basophilic rather voluminous cytoplasm. Rest of the cells are promonocytes, destroyed cells, naked nuclei and one plasma cell (at 3 o'clock).
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, plasma cell
![Six blasts with weakly to strong basophilic rather voluminous cytoplasm. Rest of the cells are promonocytes, destroyed cells, naked nuclei and one plasma cell (at 3 o'clock). / Šest blastů se slabě až silně basofilní spíše objemnou cytoplazmou. Zbytek buněk jsou promonocyty, rozbité buňky, holá jádra a jeden plazmocyt (na 3. hodině).](./obr/466315870354e.jpg)
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, plasma cell
AMML Eo bone marrow
Description: Hyper-cellular bone marrow with mixture of tumour cells of granulocytic and monocytic lineages. Two characteristic eosinophil myelocytes, that in at right has vacuolized cytoplasm. Eosinophil the mostly at right is promyelocyt with numerous purple pro-granules.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, eosinophil, promonocyte, monocyte
![Hyper-cellular bone marrow with mixture of tumour cells of granulocytic and monocytic lineages. Two characteristic eosinophil myelocytes, that in at right has vacuolized cytoplasm. Eosinophil the mostly at right is promyelocyt with numerous purple pro-granules. / Hypercelulární kostní dřeň se směsí nádorových buněk granulocytární a monocytární linie. Dva charakteristické eozinofilní myelocyty, ten vpravo má vakuolizovanou cytoplazmu. Eozinofil nejvíce vpravo je promyelocyt s početnými purpurovými progranuly.](./obr/466312ff3d6fc.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, eosinophil, promonocyte, monocyte
AMML Eo bone marrow
Description: Blasts and promonocytes, eosinophils with atypical "basophil like" granulation. One promyelocyte at 5 o' clock. Eosinophil component reaches almost 14% of nucleated bone marrow cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: eosinophil, promonocyte
![Blasts and promonocytes, eosinophils with atypical "basophil like" granulation. One promyelocyte at 5 o' clock. Eosinophil component reaches almost 14% of nucleated bone marrow cells. / Blasty a promonocyty, eozinofily s atypickou granulací napodobující "basofilní". Jeden promyelocyt na 5. hodině. Eozinofilní komponenta dosahuje téměř 14% z jaderných buněk kostní dřeně.](./obr/466311864b127.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: eosinophil, promonocyte
AMML Eo NE with NaF
Description: Staining of alpha naphthyl acetate esterase is blockaded by natrium fluoride (compare with previous picture) in monocytic lineage.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, monocyte
![Staining of alpha naphthyl acetate esterase is blockaded by natrium fluoride (compare with previous picture) in monocytic lineage. / Barvení na nespecifickou esterázu je blokováno natrium fluoridem (srovnej s předchozím obrázkem) v monocytární linii.](./obr/46631071a9956.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, monocyte
Description: Staining of alpha naphthyl acetate esterase is strong positive in monocytic cells and rather weakly positive in granulocytic cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: granulocyte, monocyte
![Staining of alpha naphthyl acetate esterase is strong positive in monocytic cells and rather weakly positive in granulocytic cells. / Barvení na nespecifickou esterázu je silně pozitivní v monocytárních buňkách a spíše slabě pozitivitní v granulocytárních buňkách.](./obr/46630fdf3b93f.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: granulocyte, monocyte
Description: Staining of naftol ASC chloracetate esterase is positive in neutrophil lineage, negative in monocytic cells. In this case AML inv(16) is faintly positive reaction in abnormal eosinophils (at 5 and at 12 o'clock) - usually are eosinophils negative.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: neutrophil, eosinophil, monocyte
![Staining of naftol ASC chloracetate esterase is positive in neutrophil lineage, negative in monocytic cells. In this case AML inv(16) is faintly positive reaction in abnormal eosinophils (at 5 and at 12 o'clock) - usually are eosinophils negative. / Barvení na chloracetát esterázu je pozitivní v neutrofilní řadě, negativní v monocytárních buňkách. V tomto případě AML inv(16) je slabě pozitivní reakce v abnormálních eozinofilech (na 5. a 12. hodině)- obvykle jsou eozinofily negativní.](./obr/46630fa2b2022.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: neutrophil, eosinophil, monocyte
AMML Eo bone marrow
Description: Several blasts with heterogeneous morphology, one monocyte and two eosinophils. This one at the left is really immature (promyelocyte), has a few large granules purple-violet in colour reminding basophilic granulation mixing with eosinophlic granules. Naked nuclei and damaged cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, monocyte
![Several blasts with heterogeneous morphology, one monocyte and two eosinophils. This one at the left is really immature (promyelocyte), has a few large granules purple-violet in colour reminding basophilic granulation mixing with eosinophlic granules. Naked nuclei and damaged cells. / Několik blastů různorodé morfologie, jeden monocyt a dva eozinofily. Ten vlevo je skutečně nezralý (promyelocyt), má několik velkých granulí purpurově-fialové barvy připomínající basofilní granulaci smíchaných s granulemi eozinofilními. Holá jádra a poškozené buňky.](./obr/46630f06b916e.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, monocyte
AMML Eo peripheral blod
Description: Monocytes in peripheral blood reach to 47% (absolute number 12,7G/l) at the time of diagnosis. One segmented neutrophil at 4 o'clock.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: segmented granulocyte, monocyte
![Monocytes in peripheral blood reach to 47% (absolute number 12,7G/l) at the time of diagnosis. One segmented neutrophil at 4 o'clock. / Monocyty v periferní krvi dosahují v čase diagnózy 47% (absolutní počet 12,7G/l)- Jeden neutrofilní segment na 4. hodině.](./obr/46630ecfe35c4.jpg)
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: segmented granulocyte, monocyte
AMML Eo peripheral blod
Description: Two monocytes with fine nuclear chromatin and prominent with irregular nucleus and more mature grayish-blue cytoplasm with a few small vacuoles (cell at the top).
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: promonocyte, monocyte
![Two monocytes with fine nuclear chromatin and prominent with irregular nucleus and more mature grayish-blue cytoplasm with a few small vacuoles (cell at the top). / Dva monocyty s jemným jaderným chromatinem a promonocyt s nepravidelným tvarem jádra a více zralou šedo-modrou cytoplazmou s několika malými vakuolami (buňka nahoře).](./obr/4662996b416d2.jpg)
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: promonocyte, monocyte
Description: Butyrat-esterase (BE) in M4 Eo.
In the centre 2 strongly positive blasts (positivity typical for monocytes), right and downwards 2 cells with weak BE positivity.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, monoblast
![Butyrat-esterase (BE) in M4 Eo.
In the centre 2 strongly positive blasts (positivity typical for monocytes), right and downwards 2 cells with weak BE positivity. / Barvení na butyrát esterázu (BE) u M4 Eo.
Uprostřed 2 silně pozitivní blasty (pozitivita typická pro monocyty). Vpravo a dole 2 bb. se slabou pozitivitou BE.](./obr/4541f3429d47d.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, monoblast
Description: Upwards on the left and in the centre note immature eosiniphils showing double granulation i.e. eosinophilic and large basophilic granules, typical for M4 Eo.
Downwards a monocyte is seen.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil
![Upwards on the left and in the centre note immature eosiniphils showing double granulation i.e. eosinophilic and large basophilic granules, typical for M4 Eo.
Downwards a monocyte is seen. / Vlevo nahoře a uprostřed obrázku nezralý Eo s dvojí granulací, t.j. kromě eosinofilních granul i velká tmavá basofilní granula, typická pro Eo u M4 Eo. V horní části monocyt.](./obr/4541f1d81d75a.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil