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147 cs: Chronická myeloidní leukémie - akcelerace onemocnění
en: Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - accelerated phase
7 Irena Trnavská, J. Kissová 3.5.2008, 21:08 9.9.2009, 23:06 9.9.2009, 23:06 J. Kissová
91 cs: AMML EO s inv(16)
en: AMML Eo with inv(16)
8 A. Buliková 3.6.2007, 12:34 2.10.2007, 13:12 2.10.2007, 13:12 J. Kissová
25 cs: AML M4 Eo
en: AML M4 Eo
8 S. Valníček 27.10.2006, 13:47 4.12.2007, 10:41 4.12.2007, 10:41 Jan Blatný

Nalezené obrázky* (n=24)

AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
Three myeloblasts are in the lower left; one of them (underneath eosinophilic myelocyte) has some azurophilic granulation, cytoplasmic protrusions and cleft nucleus. Erythroid lineage shows dysplastic features - nuclear lobulisation, karyorhexis and poor hemoglobinization of cytoplasm.   / Tři myeloblasty jsou vlevo dole, jeden z nich (pod eozinofilním myelocytem) má nějakou azurofilní granulace, cytoplazmatické výběžky a rozštěpené jádro. Erytroidní linie vykazuje dysplastické rysy - lobulizaci jádra, karyorhexi a špatnou hemoglobinizaci cytoplazmy. Description: Three myeloblasts are in the lower left; one of them (underneath eosinophilic myelocyte) has some azurophilic granulation, cytoplasmic protrusions and cleft nucleus. Erythroid lineage shows dysplastic features - nuclear lobulisation, karyorhexis and poor hemoglobinization of cytoplasm.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma - ALK negative
One tumour cell in ALCL (middle right) - large cell with fine nuclear chromatin, prominent nucleolus, abundant  cytoplasm which basophilia passes to eosinophilia. There are also three neutrophil myelocytes (upper one is destroyed), one lymphocyte (at 3 o'clock). The last cell in the picture is macrophage (between two myelocytes). These cells are typical component of this lymphohistiocytic variant of the lymphoma .  / Jedna nádorová buňka u ALCL (ve středu vpravo) - velká buňka s jemným jaderným chromatinem, prominujícím jadérkem, bohatou cytoplazmou jejíž basofilie přechází do eozinofilie. Také jsou zde tři neutrofilní myelocyty (horní je poškozený), jeden lymfocyt (na 3. hodině). Poslední buňkou na obrázku je makrofág (mezi dvěma myelocyty). Tyto buňky jsou typickou součástí této lymfohistiocytární varianty lymfomu. Description: One tumour cell in ALCL (middle right) - large cell with fine nuclear chromatin, prominent nucleolus, abundant cytoplasm which basophilia passes to eosinophilia. There are also three neutrophil myelocytes (upper one is destroyed), one lymphocyte (at 3 o'clock). The last cell in the picture is macrophage (between two myelocytes). These cells are typical component of this lymphohistiocytic variant of the lymphoma .
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, macrophage, tumour cell
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma - ALK negative
Large cell with kidney-shaped nucleus with eosinophilic region in cytoplasm at lower right quadrant of the cell, while another parts of cytoplasm is basophilic. The cytoplasm is abundant. There are some blue nucleoli in the nucleus. The cell size one can  estimate to 40 micrometers and more.  / Velká buňka s ledvinovitým tvarem jádra s eozinofilní oblastí v cytoplazmě v dolním pravém kvadrantu buňky. Cytoplazma je bohatá. Několik modrých jadérek je v jádře. Velikost buňky může být odhadována na 40 mikrometrů a více. Description: Large cell with kidney-shaped nucleus with eosinophilic region in cytoplasm at lower right quadrant of the cell, while another parts of cytoplasm is basophilic. The cytoplasm is abundant. There are some blue nucleoli in the nucleus. The cell size one can estimate to 40 micrometers and more.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: lymphocyte atypical
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma - ALK negative
Another example of anaplastic large lymphoma cell. Here is ex-centric, horse-shoe-shaped nucleus. Eosinophilic area of cytoplasm is at 3 o'clock. Nuclear chromatin is fine, nucleus contains several prominent nucleoli. There is bi-lobar late normoblast with internuclear bride at 3 o'clock.  / Jiný příklad buňky anaplastického velkobuněčného lymfomu. Zde je jádro excentrické, podkovovitého tvaru. Eozinofilní oblast cytoplazmy je na 3 hodině. Jaderný chromatin je jemný, jádro obsahuje několik prominujících jadérek. Na 3. hodině je pozdní normoblast, bilobární s jaderným můstkem. Description: Another example of anaplastic large lymphoma cell. Here is ex-centric, horse-shoe-shaped nucleus. Eosinophilic area of cytoplasm is at 3 o'clock. Nuclear chromatin is fine, nucleus contains several prominent nucleoli. There is bi-lobar late normoblast with internuclear bride at 3 o'clock.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: lymphocyte atypical
Splenic marginal zone B- cell lymphoma
Another example of "villous lymphocytes" in peripheral blood smear (without EDTA).  Cytoplasm of the lymphoma cells is quite basophilic. One segmented eosinophil at the middle left.  / Jiný příklad "vilózních lymfocytů" v nátěru periferní krve (bez EDTA). Cytoplazma lymfomových buněk je docela bazofilní. Jeden segmentovaný eozinofil vlevo uprostřed. Description: Another example of "villous lymphocytes" in peripheral blood smear (without EDTA). Cytoplasm of the lymphoma cells is quite basophilic. One segmented eosinophil at the middle left.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: lymphocyte atypical
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - chronic phase
Excess of granulocytic cells - the most of them are neutrophils in different stage of maturation including segmented ones, only two are eosinophils (one to the middle left and one to the middle right). Only one late erythroblast with pycnotic nucleus is underneath the centre of the picture.   / Převaha buněk granulocytární řady - většina z nich jsou neutrofily v různém stadiu vývoje včetně segmentů, jen dva jsou eozinofily (jeden ze středu doleva a jeden ze středu doprava). Jen jeden pozdní erytroblast s pyknotickým jádrem je pod centrem obrázku.  Description: Excess of granulocytic cells - the most of them are neutrophils in different stage of maturation including segmented ones, only two are eosinophils (one to the middle left and one to the middle right). Only one late erythroblast with pycnotic nucleus is underneath the centre of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: eosinophil, normoblast
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - chronic phase
Increased number of basophils (upper one at 10 o'clock) and mostly also of eosinophils (lower one at 10 o'clock; there is segmented neutrophil between these two cells) is typical feature of the disease. Eryhtropoiesis is reduced (slide shows no erythroid precursors).   / Zvýšený počet basofilů (horní na 10. hodině) a většinou i eozinofilů (dolní na 10. hodině; mezi těmito dvěma buňkami je neutrofilní segment) je typickým rysem choroby. Erytropoéza je snížená (v nátěru nejsou žádná erytroidní prekurzory) Description: Increased number of basophils (upper one at 10 o'clock) and mostly also of eosinophils (lower one at 10 o'clock; there is segmented neutrophil between these two cells) is typical feature of the disease. Eryhtropoiesis is reduced (slide shows no erythroid precursors).
Type: bone marrow
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - chronic phase
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of neutrophil segment and their precursors. Maturation pattern is similar to that in perifpheral blood - predominant populations represent mature neutrophils and myelocytes. There are three eosinofiphils in this part of slide (at 9, 3 and 4 o'clock). There isn't presence of significant dysgranulopoiesis .   / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zvýšeným počtem neutrofilních segmentů a jejich prekurzorů. Rozložení vyzrávání je obdobné jako v periferní krvi - dominující populace jsou představovány zralými neutrofily a myelocyty. V této části nátěru jsou tři eozinofily (na 9., 3. a 4. hodině).  Není přítomna zřetelná dysgranulopoéza. Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of neutrophil segment and their precursors. Maturation pattern is similar to that in perifpheral blood - predominant populations represent mature neutrophils and myelocytes. There are three eosinofiphils in this part of slide (at 9, 3 and 4 o'clock). There isn't presence of significant dysgranulopoiesis .
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil, segmented granulocyte
Chronic myeloid leukaemia, blast phase- BM
Infiltration of lymphoblasts, two of them with nuclear indentation, two eosinophiles, smear cell on the left. / Infiltrace lymfoblasty, dva z nich se zářezem v jádře, dva eozinofily, jaderný stín vlevo. Description: Infiltration of lymphoblasts, two of them with nuclear indentation, two eosinophiles, smear cell on the left.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: eosinophil, lymphoblast
CML accelerated phase - PB
Predominance of segmented granulocytes, neutrophil band in the centre, eosinophil myelocyte at the right side bottom, cluster of three blasts in the centre.
 / Převaha neutrofilních segmentů, neutrofilní tyč uprostřed, eozinofilní myelocyt vpravo dole, shluk tří blastů uprostřed. 
Description: Predominance of segmented granulocytes, neutrophil band in the centre, eosinophil myelocyte at the right side bottom, cluster of three blasts in the centre.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, band, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, eosinophiles and  blasts are increased, basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre  and one is  on the right side up (on the 2 o'clock).Two basophiles are present - one is slightly right up and one at the left side bottom. Eosinophil myelocyte is present on the right upper border of the picture.
 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty, výrazná bazofílie. Přítomny dva blasty, jeden uprostřed a jeden vpravo nahoře( na 2. hodině) a dva bazofily - jeden mírně vpravo nahoře a jeden vlevo dole. Eosinofilní myelocyt je při pravém horním okraji obrázku.
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, eosinophiles and blasts are increased, basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre and one is on the right side up (on the 2 o'clock).Two basophiles are present - one is slightly right up and one at the left side bottom. Eosinophil myelocyte is present on the right upper border of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes,  blasts and eosinophiles are increased. Blast is on the right side bottom , two eosinophil myelocytes are present - one up and one at the bottom in the centre of the picture.  
 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty a eozinofily. Blast vlevo dole, dva eozinofilní myelocyty - jeden nahoře a jeden dole uprostřed obrázku. 
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts and eosinophiles are increased. Blast is on the right side bottom , two eosinophil myelocytes are present - one up and one at the bottom in the centre of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, eosinophil, band, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes,  blasts and eosinophiles are increased, marked basophilia. Blasts are in the centre and on the right and left side (at 9 and 2 o'clock), eosinophil is in the centre below segmented granulocyte. Four basophiles are present - two at the right side up and two at the bottom part of the picture.

   / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty a eozinofily, výrazná bazofilie. Blasty uprostřed , dále vlevo i vpravo (na 9.a 2.hodině), eozinofil uprostřed pod neutrofilním segmentem,. Bazofilyjsou  přítomny 4, dva vpravo nahoře a dva ve spodní části 
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts and eosinophiles are increased, marked basophilia. Blasts are in the centre and on the right and left side (at 9 and 2 o'clock), eosinophil is in the centre below segmented granulocyte. Four basophiles are present - two at the right side up and two at the bottom part of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, eosinophil, basophil, band, segmented granulocyte
Small- cell bronchial carcinoma - BM
The first example of the bone marrow infiltration in this case - the cluster of the middle size cells with narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm; there is fine chromatin and some nucleoli in the nucleus. There is eosinophil metamyelocyte at the upper left, neutrophil metamyelocyte at the upper right and there are two  late erythroblasts at the upper part of the picture. Naked nucleoli are the typical content of the smear.   / První příklad infiltrace nádorovými buňkami u tohoto případu - trs středně velkých buněk s úzkým lemem bazofilní cytoplamy; v jádře je jemný chromatin a jadérka. Vlevo nahoře eosinofilní metamyelocyt, vpravo nahoře neutrofilní metamyelocyt, v horní části obrázku dva pozdní erytroblasty. Holá jádra jsou typickou součástí nátěru.  Description: The first example of the bone marrow infiltration in this case - the cluster of the middle size cells with narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm; there is fine chromatin and some nucleoli in the nucleus. There is eosinophil metamyelocyte at the upper left, neutrophil metamyelocyte at the upper right and there are two late erythroblasts at the upper part of the picture. Naked nucleoli are the typical content of the smear.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, orthochromatophilic normoblast, naked nucleus, tumour cell
AMML Eo bone marrow
Hyper-cellular bone marrow with mixture of tumour cells of granulocytic and monocytic lineages. Two characteristic eosinophil myelocytes, that in at right has vacuolized cytoplasm. Eosinophil the mostly at right is promyelocyt with numerous purple pro-granules.    / Hypercelulární kostní dřeň se směsí nádorových buněk granulocytární a monocytární linie. Dva charakteristické eozinofilní myelocyty, ten vpravo má vakuolizovanou cytoplazmu. Eozinofil nejvíce vpravo je promyelocyt s početnými purpurovými progranuly. Description: Hyper-cellular bone marrow with mixture of tumour cells of granulocytic and monocytic lineages. Two characteristic eosinophil myelocytes, that in at right has vacuolized cytoplasm. Eosinophil the mostly at right is promyelocyt with numerous purple pro-granules.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, eosinophil, promonocyte, monocyte
AMML Eo bone marrow
Blasts and promonocytes, eosinophils with atypical "basophil like" granulation. One promyelocyte at 5 o' clock. Eosinophil component reaches almost 14% of nucleated bone marrow cells.  / Blasty a promonocyty, eozinofily s atypickou granulací napodobující "basofilní". Jeden promyelocyt na 5. hodině. Eozinofilní komponenta dosahuje téměř 14% z jaderných buněk kostní dřeně. Description: Blasts and promonocytes, eosinophils with atypical "basophil like" granulation. One promyelocyte at 5 o' clock. Eosinophil component reaches almost 14% of nucleated bone marrow cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: eosinophil, promonocyte
Staining of naftol ASC chloracetate esterase is positive in neutrophil lineage, negative in monocytic cells. In this case AML inv(16) is faintly positive reaction in abnormal eosinophils (at 5 and at 12 o'clock) - usually are eosinophils negative.  / Barvení na chloracetát esterázu je pozitivní v neutrofilní řadě, negativní v monocytárních buňkách. V tomto případě AML inv(16) je slabě pozitivní reakce v abnormálních eozinofilech (na 5. a 12. hodině)- obvykle jsou eozinofily negativní. Description: Staining of naftol ASC chloracetate esterase is positive in neutrophil lineage, negative in monocytic cells. In this case AML inv(16) is faintly positive reaction in abnormal eosinophils (at 5 and at 12 o'clock) - usually are eosinophils negative.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: neutrophil, eosinophil, monocyte
AMML Eo bone marrow
Several blasts with heterogeneous morphology, one monocyte and two eosinophils. This one at the left is really immature (promyelocyte), has a few large granules purple-violet in colour reminding basophilic granulation mixing with eosinophlic granules.  Naked nuclei and damaged cells. / Několik blastů různorodé morfologie, jeden monocyt a dva eozinofily. Ten vlevo je skutečně nezralý (promyelocyt), má několik velkých granulí purpurově-fialové barvy připomínající basofilní granulaci smíchaných s granulemi eozinofilními. Holá jádra a poškozené buňky. Description: Several blasts with heterogeneous morphology, one monocyte and two eosinophils. This one at the left is really immature (promyelocyte), has a few large granules purple-violet in colour reminding basophilic granulation mixing with eosinophlic granules. Naked nuclei and damaged cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, monocyte
CML - bone marrow
Granulocytic hyperplasia - some eosinophils and basophils, predominant cells are mature neutrophils and myelocytes. Smear do not shows any marked dysplastic changes but one hypo-granular pseudo-pelgeroid segmented neutrophil (underneath centre of the picture at the 5 o'clock).  / Granulocytární hyperplázie - několik eozinoiflů a bazofilů, dominujícími buňkami jsou zralé neutrofily a myelocyty. Nátěr neukazuje žádné zřetelné dysplastické změny s výjimkou jednoho hypogranulárního pseudo-pelgeroidního neutrofilního segmentu (pod centrem obrázku na 5. hodině). Description: Granulocytic hyperplasia - some eosinophils and basophils, predominant cells are mature neutrophils and myelocytes. Smear do not shows any marked dysplastic changes but one hypo-granular pseudo-pelgeroid segmented neutrophil (underneath centre of the picture at the 5 o'clock).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil, basophil, segmented granulocyte, pseudo-Pelger anomaly, hypogranulation
CML - peripheral blood
In the middle of the picture are myelocytes, segmented neutrophils and two rather immature eosinophils. Mature basophil is on the left.  / Uprostřed obrázku jsou myelocyty, neutrofilní segmenty a dva spíše nezralé eozinofily. Zralý basofil je nalevo. Description: In the middle of the picture are myelocytes, segmented neutrophils and two rather immature eosinophils. Mature basophil is on the left.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil, basophil, segmented granulocyte
Butyrat-esterase (BE) in M4 Eo.
In the centre 2 strongly positive blasts (positivity typical for monocytes), right and downwards 2 cells with weak BE positivity. / Barvení na butyrát esterázu (BE) u M4 Eo.
Uprostřed 2 silně pozitivní blasty (pozitivita typická pro monocyty). Vpravo a dole 2 bb. se slabou pozitivitou BE. Description: Butyrat-esterase (BE) in M4 Eo. In the centre 2 strongly positive blasts (positivity typical for monocytes), right and downwards 2 cells with weak BE positivity.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, monoblast
Blast cells in M4 Eo. Note 3 immature eosinophils, 2 of them with dark blue granules, typical for eosinophils of M4 Eo. / Blastické bb. u M4 Eo - mezi nimi 3 nezralé eosinofily. Ve 2 z nich i tmavomodře se barvící granula, typická pro eosinofily u M4 Eo. Description: Blast cells in M4 Eo. Note 3 immature eosinophils, 2 of them with dark blue granules, typical for eosinophils of M4 Eo.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil, monoblast
Myeloid and monocytic blast cells, on the right side 3 immature eosinophiles. 
Note large basophilic granules in adition to eosinophilic ones in cells seen on the right.. / Na obrázku myeloidní a monocytoidní blastické bb. V pravé polovině 3 mladé Eo, vpravo nahoře a vpravo dole bb., které mají kromě eosinofilních i velká basofilní granula. Description: Myeloid and monocytic blast cells, on the right side 3 immature eosinophiles. Note large basophilic granules in adition to eosinophilic ones in cells seen on the right..
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, metamyelocyte, eosinophil, monoblast
Upwards on the left and in the centre note immature eosiniphils showing double granulation i.e. eosinophilic and large basophilic granules, typical for M4 Eo.
Downwards a monocyte is seen. / Vlevo nahoře a uprostřed obrázku nezralý Eo s dvojí granulací, t.j. kromě eosinofilních granul i velká tmavá basofilní granula, typická pro Eo u M4 Eo. V horní části monocyt. Description: Upwards on the left and in the centre note immature eosiniphils showing double granulation i.e. eosinophilic and large basophilic granules, typical for M4 Eo. Downwards a monocyte is seen.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil