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172 cs: Mikrogranulární varianta APL
en: Microgranular variant APL
10 A. Buliková, J. Kissová 21.7.2008, 17:58 9.9.2009, 21:29 9.9.2009, 21:29 J. Kissová

Nalezené obrázky* (n=7)

microgranular variant APL- BM
Bi-lobar or irregular nuclear shape in variant PML. There is one faggot cell at the upper left. Some tumour cells in variant APL can have cytoplasmic protrusions (four from five cells in lower part of the picture)-   / Bilobární nebo nepravidelný tvar jádra u variantní PML. Jedna "faggot cell" je nahoře vlevo. Některé nádorové buňky u variantní APL mohou mít cytoplazmatické výběžky (čtyři z pěti buněk v dolní části obrázku).  Description: Bi-lobar or irregular nuclear shape in variant PML. There is one faggot cell at the upper left. Some tumour cells in variant APL can have cytoplasmic protrusions (four from five cells in lower part of the picture)-
Klíčová slova*: faggot cell
microgranular variant APL- BM
In all cases of acute leukaemia with bilobar nuclei it is really necessary carefully search for cells with bundles Auer rods in cytoplasm ("faggot cells"). This finding brings high suspicion to diagnose of microgranular variant of APL, which should be confirmed by cytogenetic and/or molecular genetic examination - presence of 
t(15;17) and/or PML/RARalfa fusion gene.    / Ve všech případech akutní leukémie s bilobárními jádry je opravdu nezbytné pečlivě pátrat po buňkách se snopci Auerových tyčí v cytoplazmě ("faggot cells"). Tento nález přináší vysoké podezření na diagnózu mikrogranulární varianty APL, která by měla být potvrzena cytogenatickým a/nebo molekulárně genatickým vyšetřením - přítomnost t(15;17) a/nebo PML/RARalfa fúzního genu. Description: In all cases of acute leukaemia with bilobar nuclei it is really necessary carefully search for cells with bundles Auer rods in cytoplasm ("faggot cells"). This finding brings high suspicion to diagnose of microgranular variant of APL, which should be confirmed by cytogenetic and/or molecular genetic examination - presence of t(15;17) and/or PML/RARalfa fusion gene.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: promyelocyte, Auer rod, faggot cell
APL- bone marrow 4
Smear show typical pathological cells of acute promyelocytic leukamia - hypergranulated abnormal promyelocyte and "faggot cells". Rest of cells are  two normoblasts and damaged cells. / Nález ukazuje typické patologické elementy akutní promyelocytární leukémie- hypergranulované abnormální  promyelocyty a tzv."faggot cells". Zbytek buněk tvoří dva normoblasty a rozbité buňky. Description: Smear show typical pathological cells of acute promyelocytic leukamia - hypergranulated abnormal promyelocyte and "faggot cells". Rest of cells are two normoblasts and damaged cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: faggot cell
APL- bone marrow 3
At centre of the picture are two "faggot cells"  on the right, two abnormal hypergranular promyelocytes on the left-  one with cleaved or bilobated nucleus. Below are two hypergranular myelocytes with large reddish inclusions- upper myelocyt with cleaved nucleus, both of them are impaired. / Uprostřed snímku jsou dvě "faggot cells" vpravo, dva abnormální hypergranulované promyelocyty vlevo- jeden s rozštěpeným nebo dvoulaločnatým jádrem. Pod nimi dva hypergranulované myelocyty s objemnými inkluzemi- horní buňka s rozštěpeným jádrem, obě jsou poškozené. Description: At centre of the picture are two "faggot cells" on the right, two abnormal hypergranular promyelocytes on the left- one with cleaved or bilobated nucleus. Below are two hypergranular myelocytes with large reddish inclusions- upper myelocyt with cleaved nucleus, both of them are impaired.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, faggot cell, hypergranulation
APL- bone marrow 2
Smear  shows  "faggot cells" with numerous Auer rods, myeloblasts and above to the left hypergranulated myelocyte. / Nátěr ukazuje "faggot cells" s početnými Auerovými tyčemi, vlevo nahoře hypergranulovaný myelocyt. Description: Smear shows "faggot cells" with numerous Auer rods, myeloblasts and above to the left hypergranulated myelocyte.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, Auer rod, faggot cell, hypergranulation
APL- bone marrow 1
At centre  of the picture is "faggot cell" and myeloblast. / Uprostřed snímku "faggot cell" a myeloblast. Description: At centre of the picture is "faggot cell" and myeloblast.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, faggot cell
APL- peripheral blood 3
"Faggot cell" in blood smear (bundles of Auer rods). / Přítomnost "faggot cell" v nátěru periferní krve (snopce Auerových tyčí). Description: "Faggot cell" in blood smear (bundles of Auer rods).
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: faggot cell