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CML - bone marrow
Granulocytic hyperplasia - some eosinophils and basophils, predominant cells are mature neutrophils and myelocytes. Smear do not shows any marked dysplastic changes but one hypo-granular pseudo-pelgeroid segmented neutrophil (underneath centre of the picture at the 5 o'clock).  / Granulocytární hyperplázie - několik eozinoiflů a bazofilů, dominujícími buňkami jsou zralé neutrofily a myelocyty. Nátěr neukazuje žádné zřetelné dysplastické změny s výjimkou jednoho hypogranulárního pseudo-pelgeroidního neutrofilního segmentu (pod centrem obrázku na 5. hodině). Description: Granulocytic hyperplasia - some eosinophils and basophils, predominant cells are mature neutrophils and myelocytes. Smear do not shows any marked dysplastic changes but one hypo-granular pseudo-pelgeroid segmented neutrophil (underneath centre of the picture at the 5 o'clock).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil, basophil, segmented granulocyte, pseudo-Pelger anomaly, hypogranulation