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147 cs: Chronická myeloidní leukémie - akcelerace onemocnění
en: Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - accelerated phase
7 Irena Trnavská, J. Kissová 3.5.2008, 21:08 9.9.2009, 23:06 9.9.2009, 23:06 J. Kissová

Nalezené obrázky* (n=12)

AML without maturation- BM- MPOX
There are the  most negative cells in myeloperoxidase staining. But three immature cells in the picture (at left) are cleary positive. One positive cell at right is more mature (metamyelocyte or even band) and cannot be count in numer of positive blasts.   / Většina buněk je negativní v barvení myeloperoxidázy. Ale tři nezralé buňky na obrázku (vlevo) jsou jasně pozitivní. Jedna pozitivní buňka vpravo je více zralá (metamyelocyt nebo dokonce tyčka) a nemůže být započtena do počtu pozitivních blastů. Description: There are the most negative cells in myeloperoxidase staining. But three immature cells in the picture (at left) are cleary positive. One positive cell at right is more mature (metamyelocyte or even band) and cannot be count in numer of positive blasts.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, metamyelocyte, band, myeloperoxidase stain
Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - chronic phase
Various stages of maturation in neutrophil lineage (one myeloblast in the centre, two segments and metamyelocyte). Only one early normoblast is under the myeloblast;  beside it to the left is basophil.  / Různá stádia vyzrávání v neutrofilní řadě (jeden myeloblast v centru, dva segmenty a metamyelocyt). Jen jeden časný normoblast je pod myeloblastem, vedle něj doleva je basofil. Description: Various stages of maturation in neutrophil lineage (one myeloblast in the centre, two segments and metamyelocyte). Only one early normoblast is under the myeloblast; beside it to the left is basophil.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, metamyelocyte, basophil, segmented granulocyte, normoblast
Megaloblastic haematopoiesis- BM
Giant metamyelocytes and bands in neutrophil series are usually present. Detection of these cells is diagnostically important in cases, when megaloblastic features of erythropoiesis are masked by co-existing iron deficiency. Granulopoiesis use to be also hyperplastic in bone marrow, although less so than erythropoiesis.   / V neutrofilní řadě jsou obvykle jsou přítomny velké metamyelocyty a tyče. Detekce těchto buněk je diagnosticky důležitá v případech, kdy jsou megaloblastické rysy erytropoézy maskovány současně přítomným nedostatkem železa. Granulopoéza je v kostní dřeni rovněž zmnožena, i když méně nežli erytropoéza.  Description: Giant metamyelocytes and bands in neutrophil series are usually present. Detection of these cells is diagnostically important in cases, when megaloblastic features of erythropoiesis are masked by co-existing iron deficiency. Granulopoiesis use to be also hyperplastic in bone marrow, although less so than erythropoiesis.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: giant band cell, giant metamyelocyte
Megaloblastic haematopoiesis- BM
There is the giant metamyelocyte at 6 o'clock at a typical change in granulocytic lineage. It is approximately twice times the size of a normal metamyelocyte with abnormal shape of nuclei. There is a hypersegmented neutrophil at right.     / Na 6. hodině je gigantický metamyelocyt jako typická změna v granulocytární řadě. Je přibližně dvakrát větší nežli normální metamyelocyt s abnormálním tvarem jádra. Vpravo je hypersegmentovaný neutrofil. Description: There is the giant metamyelocyte at 6 o'clock at a typical change in granulocytic lineage. It is approximately twice times the size of a normal metamyelocyte with abnormal shape of nuclei. There is a hypersegmented neutrophil at right.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, giant metamyelocyte
CML accelerated phase - PB
Leucocytosis, left shift. Two blasts at the right side (at 3. o´clock). basophil on the left. Normoblast in the centre, lymphocyte at the right side up.
 / Leukocytóza, posun doleva. Dva blasty vpravo ( na 3. hodině), bazofil vlevo. Normoblast uprostřed, lymfocyt vpravo nahoře.
Description: Leucocytosis, left shift. Two blasts at the right side (at 3. o´clock). basophil on the left. Normoblast in the centre, lymphocyte at the right side up.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, basophil, lymphocyte, normoblast
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts are increased, marked basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre bottom and one is  on the right side ( on the 2 o'clock).Three basophiles are present - one in the centre and two at the right side of the picture. 

 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty, je výrazná bazofílie. Přítomny dva blasty, jeden dole uprostřed a jeden vpravo ( na 2. hodině). Jsou přítomny tři bazofily - jeden uprostřed a dva na pravé straně obrázku.

Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts are increased, marked basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre bottom and one is on the right side ( on the 2 o'clock).Three basophiles are present - one in the centre and two at the right side of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, basophil, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes,  blasts and eosinophiles are increased. Blast is on the right side bottom , two eosinophil myelocytes are present - one up and one at the bottom in the centre of the picture.  
 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty a eozinofily. Blast vlevo dole, dva eozinofilní myelocyty - jeden nahoře a jeden dole uprostřed obrázku. 
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts and eosinophiles are increased. Blast is on the right side bottom , two eosinophil myelocytes are present - one up and one at the bottom in the centre of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, eosinophil, band, segmented granulocyte
Small- cell bronchial carcinoma - BM
The first example of the bone marrow infiltration in this case - the cluster of the middle size cells with narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm; there is fine chromatin and some nucleoli in the nucleus. There is eosinophil metamyelocyte at the upper left, neutrophil metamyelocyte at the upper right and there are two  late erythroblasts at the upper part of the picture. Naked nucleoli are the typical content of the smear.   / První příklad infiltrace nádorovými buňkami u tohoto případu - trs středně velkých buněk s úzkým lemem bazofilní cytoplamy; v jádře je jemný chromatin a jadérka. Vlevo nahoře eosinofilní metamyelocyt, vpravo nahoře neutrofilní metamyelocyt, v horní části obrázku dva pozdní erytroblasty. Holá jádra jsou typickou součástí nátěru.  Description: The first example of the bone marrow infiltration in this case - the cluster of the middle size cells with narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm; there is fine chromatin and some nucleoli in the nucleus. There is eosinophil metamyelocyte at the upper left, neutrophil metamyelocyte at the upper right and there are two late erythroblasts at the upper part of the picture. Naked nucleoli are the typical content of the smear.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, orthochromatophilic normoblast, naked nucleus, tumour cell
In the middle of this picture you can see a blast with clear Auer rods (visible clear nucleoli).
On the left there is a large metamyelocyte.
In  cells of myeloid lineage a dense hypergranulation is visible.   / Uprostřed obrázku blast s Auerovými tyčemi (zřetelná jadérka).
Na levo velký  metamyelocyt .
Hrubá hypergranulace v buňkách myelořady. Description: In the middle of this picture you can see a blast with clear Auer rods (visible clear nucleoli). On the left there is a large metamyelocyte. In cells of myeloid lineage a dense hypergranulation is visible.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: Auer rod, hypergranulation, giant metamyelocyte
Large metamyelocyte and three blasts with visible nucleoli. / Na obrázku je obrovský metamyelocyt a tři blasty s viditelnými jadérky. Description: Large metamyelocyte and three blasts with visible nucleoli.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, giant metamyelocyte
In the left part on the picture there  is immature megakaryocyte with single nucleus and withaut mature granulomer.
In the right part of the picture we can see the beginning of the apoptosis of the neutrophil. 
In the myelocytes and metamyelocytes you can see hypergranularity. / V levé části obrázku nezralý megakaryocyt s nefragmentovaným jádrem a nevytvořeným granulomerem.
V pravé části obrázku počínající apoptóza neutrofilu.
V buňkách myelořady hypergranulace. Description: In the left part on the picture there is immature megakaryocyte with single nucleus and withaut mature granulomer. In the right part of the picture we can see the beginning of the apoptosis of the neutrophil. In the myelocytes and metamyelocytes you can see hypergranularity.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: megakaryocyte, hypogranulation
Myeloid and monocytic blast cells, on the right side 3 immature eosinophiles. 
Note large basophilic granules in adition to eosinophilic ones in cells seen on the right.. / Na obrázku myeloidní a monocytoidní blastické bb. V pravé polovině 3 mladé Eo, vpravo nahoře a vpravo dole bb., které mají kromě eosinofilních i velká basofilní granula. Description: Myeloid and monocytic blast cells, on the right side 3 immature eosinophiles. Note large basophilic granules in adition to eosinophilic ones in cells seen on the right..
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, metamyelocyte, eosinophil, monoblast