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AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
The myeloblasts are the most frequent cells of the picture, some of them are in mitosis. In erythroid lineage are megaloblastoid features -  markedly expressed in two cells at 4-5 o'clock. Hypogranulation is in neutrophils.  / Myeloblasty jsou nejčastějšími buňkami obrázku, některé z nich jsou v mitóze. V erytroidní řadě jsou megaloblastoidní rysy - zřetelně vyjádřeny ve dvou buňkách na 4-5. hodině. Hypogranulace je v neutrofilech. Description: The myeloblasts are the most frequent cells of the picture, some of them are in mitosis. In erythroid lineage are megaloblastoid features - markedly expressed in two cells at 4-5 o'clock. Hypogranulation is in neutrophils.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, hypogranulation, megaloblastic haematopoiesis
AML M2- bone marrow 3
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of second blast from the right. Some of neutrophils are with nuclear hyposegmentation and cytoplasmatic hypogranulation. Numerous naked cells. / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací, v cytoplazmě druhého blastu zprava je Auerova tyč;
některé buňky neutrofilní řady vykazují známky hyposegmentace a hypogranulace. Četná holá jádra. Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of second blast from the right. Some of neutrophils are with nuclear hyposegmentation and cytoplasmatic hypogranulation. Numerous naked cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod, hyposegmentation, hypogranulation
In the left part on the picture there  is immature megakaryocyte with single nucleus and withaut mature granulomer.
In the right part of the picture we can see the beginning of the apoptosis of the neutrophil. 
In the myelocytes and metamyelocytes you can see hypergranularity. / V levé části obrázku nezralý megakaryocyt s nefragmentovaným jádrem a nevytvořeným granulomerem.
V pravé části obrázku počínající apoptóza neutrofilu.
V buňkách myelořady hypergranulace. Description: In the left part on the picture there is immature megakaryocyte with single nucleus and withaut mature granulomer. In the right part of the picture we can see the beginning of the apoptosis of the neutrophil. In the myelocytes and metamyelocytes you can see hypergranularity.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: megakaryocyte, hypogranulation
CML - bone marrow
Granulocytic hyperplasia - some eosinophils and basophils, predominant cells are mature neutrophils and myelocytes. Smear do not shows any marked dysplastic changes but one hypo-granular pseudo-pelgeroid segmented neutrophil (underneath centre of the picture at the 5 o'clock).  / Granulocytární hyperplázie - několik eozinoiflů a bazofilů, dominujícími buňkami jsou zralé neutrofily a myelocyty. Nátěr neukazuje žádné zřetelné dysplastické změny s výjimkou jednoho hypogranulárního pseudo-pelgeroidního neutrofilního segmentu (pod centrem obrázku na 5. hodině). Description: Granulocytic hyperplasia - some eosinophils and basophils, predominant cells are mature neutrophils and myelocytes. Smear do not shows any marked dysplastic changes but one hypo-granular pseudo-pelgeroid segmented neutrophil (underneath centre of the picture at the 5 o'clock).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, eosinophil, basophil, segmented granulocyte, pseudo-Pelger anomaly, hypogranulation