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71 cs: Sideropenická anemie
en: Sideropenic anaemia
4 S. Valníček 13.4.2007, 13:50 3.12.2007, 18:27 3.12.2007, 18:27 Jan Blatný

Nalezené obrázky* (n=5)

AML with multilineage dysplasia - PB
Two myeloblasts at this next picture document that even in normal leukocyte count (5,0 G/l) circulating myeloblasts represent dominant population in patient's peripheral blood smears. Group of trombocytes (at the left from upper myeloblast) shows marked anizocytosis.   / Dva myeloblasty na tomto dalším obrázku prokazují, že dokonce u normálního počtu leukocytů (5,0 G/l) cirkulující myeloblasty představují dominující populaci v nátěrech periferní krve pacienta. Skupina trombocytů (doleva od horního myeloblastu) ukazuje zřetelnou anizocytózu. Description: Two myeloblasts at this next picture document that even in normal leukocyte count (5,0 G/l) circulating myeloblasts represent dominant population in patient's peripheral blood smears. Group of trombocytes (at the left from upper myeloblast) shows marked anizocytosis.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, thrombocyte, anisocytosis
Megaloblastic haematopoiesis- PB
There are macrocytes and also characteristic oval macrocytes in peripheral blood smear. There is also some degree of anisocytosis and poikilocytosis in this rather severe case, including the presence of tear-drop poikilocytes, fragments.  / V nátěru periferní krve jsou makrocyty a charakteristické makroovalocyty. U tohoto spíše závažnějšího případu je přítomen i jistý stupěň anicytózy, poikilocytózy, včetně přítomnosti slzičkovitých poikilocytů, fragmentů.  Description: There are macrocytes and also characteristic oval macrocytes in peripheral blood smear. There is also some degree of anisocytosis and poikilocytosis in this rather severe case, including the presence of tear-drop poikilocytes, fragments.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: poikilocyte, makrocyte, anisocytosis
hypochromic erythrocytes and frequent ovalocytes (eliptocytes), moderate anisocytosis / hypochromní erytrocyty a dosti ovalocytů (eliptocytů), mírná anisocytosa Description: hypochromic erythrocytes and frequent ovalocytes (eliptocytes), moderate anisocytosis
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: ovalocyte
numerous hypochromic red blood cells,  target cell in the middle ( This target cell  is also a "planocyte" = plane cell with reduced width). Anisocytosis and several eliptocytes are also seen.  / četné hypochromní erytrocyty, uprostřed terčovitá krvinka (současně je to planocyt=je plochá). Kromě toho zde vidíme anisocytosu a zcela ojedinělé eliptocyty. Description: numerous hypochromic red blood cells, target cell in the middle ( This target cell is also a "planocyte" = plane cell with reduced width). Anisocytosis and several eliptocytes are also seen.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: target cell, codocyte, hypochromia
Ewing´s sarcoma-BM metastasis
A group of Ewings sarcoma cells.
Significant cell anisocytosis. Largecells are containig trabecular and granular chromatine and visible bluish nucleoli, smaler cells have dark-colored chromatine without visible nucleoli.  Light grey-blue and irregularly colored cytoplasm, indistinct intercellular borders.
Rarely see cytoplasmic vacuoles.
At the bottom of the picture, large platelet agregates seen / Ložisko buněk Ewingova sarkomu. Výrazná anisocytosa buněk. Větší buňky s řidším trámčitým chromatinem jaderným s patrnými modravými jadérky, menší buňky s tmavěji se barvícím chromatinem bez patrných jadérek.
Světlá modrošedá cytoplasma nepravidelně vybarvená, hranice mezi buňkami splývají.
Místy v cytoplasmě vakuoly.
Ve spodní části obrázku velké shluky trombocytů.
Description: A group of Ewings sarcoma cells. Significant cell anisocytosis. Largecells are containig trabecular and granular chromatine and visible bluish nucleoli, smaler cells have dark-colored chromatine without visible nucleoli. Light grey-blue and irregularly colored cytoplasm, indistinct intercellular borders. Rarely see cytoplasmic vacuoles. At the bottom of the picture, large platelet agregates seen
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: lymphoblast