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Found studies (n=5)

id title images author created modified approved approved by
29 cs: Endometriální cysta
en: Endometrioma - Sampson cyst
9 Eva Račanská 15.11.2008, 10:58 19.11.2008, 21:57 19.11.2008, 21:57 Eva Račanská
22 cs: Endometrióza
en: Endometriosis
4 Eva Račanská 18.10.2008, 15:15 19.10.2008, 9:51 19.10.2008, 9:51 Eva Račanská
17 cs: Endometrióza
en: Endometriosis
5 Eva Račanská 9.10.2008, 15:36 19.11.2008, 21:52 19.11.2008, 21:52 Eva Račanská
16 cs: Endometriální cysta
en: Endometrioma - Sampson cyst
5 Eva Račanská 9.10.2008, 5:47 19.11.2008, 21:51 19.11.2008, 21:51 Eva Račanská
15 cs: Endometriální cysta
en: Endometrioma - Sampson cyst
6 Eva Račanská 9.10.2008, 5:43 19.11.2008, 21:49 19.11.2008, 21:49 Eva Račanská

Found images (n=28)

Endometrioma of the right ovary
We can see uterus at the back and the surface of the large cyst of the right ovary. / Na snímku můžeme vidět dělohu v pozadí a povrch objemné ovariální cysty pravého ovaria. Description: We can see uterus at the back and the surface of the large cyst of the right ovary.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst
Endometrial implant
Endometrial implant in the pelvic wall. / Ložisko endometriózy na stěně malé pánve. Description: Endometrial implant in the pelvic wall.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst
Uterus, left uterine tube and both ovaries after cyst exstirpation, large number of endometrial implants. / Děloha, levý vejcovod a oba vaječníky po exstirpaci cyst, četná ložiska endometriózy. Description: Uterus, left uterine tube and both ovaries after cyst exstirpation, large number of endometrial implants.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst
Uterus and both ovaries after endometrial cyst exstirpation. / Děloha a oba vaječníky po exstirpaci endometriálních cyst. Description: Uterus and both ovaries after endometrial cyst exstirpation.
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst
Right ovary after exstirpation of the cyst, numerous endometrial implants. / Pravý vaječník po exstirpaci cysty a četná ložiska endometriózy. Description: Right ovary after exstirpation of the cyst, numerous endometrial implants.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis
Left uterine tube, left ovary after exstirpation and the pouch of Douglas after adhesiolysis. / Část levého vejcovodu, levý vaječník po exstirpaci cysty a Douglasova dutina po adhesiolýze. Description: Left uterine tube, left ovary after exstirpation and the pouch of Douglas after adhesiolysis.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis
Uterus at the back left ovary and grossly enlarged right ovary. / Děloha v pozadí, levé ovarium a povrch cysty pravého ovaria. Description: Uterus at the back left ovary and grossly enlarged right ovary.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst
Left ovary
Enlarged left ovary with the endometrial cyst. / Zvětšené levé ovarium s endometriální cystou. Description: Enlarged left ovary with the endometrial cyst.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis
Uterus, right ovary with endometrial cyst and dilated ampullar part of the right uterine tube after dye instillation. / Děloha, pravý zvětšený vaječník a rozšířená ampulární část pravého vejcovodu po instilace patent blau při chromopertubaci. Description: Uterus, right ovary with endometrial cyst and dilated ampullar part of the right uterine tube after dye instillation.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst, Sterility
Uterus, both enlarged ovaries behind the uterus, brown endometrial implants. / Děloha, oba zvětšené vaječníky fixované za dělohou a endometriální hnědá ložiska na vaječnících i peritoneu. Description: Uterus, both enlarged ovaries behind the uterus, brown endometrial implants.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst, Sterility
Endometrial implant in the scarf after myomectomy
Livid coloured endometrial implant on the posterior uterine wall. / Lividně zbarvené ložisko endometriózy na zadní stěně děložní. Description: Livid coloured endometrial implant on the posterior uterine wall.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterus, Endometriosis
Endometrial implant in the scarf after myomectomy
Posterior uterine wall, right uterine tube and ovary. Endometrial implant on the posterior uterine wall. / Zadní stěna děložní s pravým vejcovodem a vaječníkem. Dobře ohraničené endometriální ložisko na zadní stěně děložní. Description: Posterior uterine wall, right uterine tube and ovary. Endometrial implant on the posterior uterine wall.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterus, Endometriosis
Uterus and both ovaries
Uterus both uterine tubes and ovaries, visible pouch of Douglas with amber fluid bounded by uterosacral ligaments. Endometrial implant visible on the posterior uterine wall towards right uterine horn. / Děloha, oba vejcovody a vaječníky normálního vzhledu. V Douglasově dutině je malé množství jantarového výpotku lemované sakrouterinními vazy. Na zadní stěny děložní směrem k pravému rohu děložnímu je patrné ložisko endometriózy. Description: Uterus both uterine tubes and ovaries, visible pouch of Douglas with amber fluid bounded by uterosacral ligaments. Endometrial implant visible on the posterior uterine wall towards right uterine horn.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterus, Endometriosis
Left ovary and uterine tube
Left ovary, uterine tube, posterior uterine wall. / Levý vaječní, vejcovod a zadní stěna děložní. Description: Left ovary, uterine tube, posterior uterine wall.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterus, Endometriosis
Uterus and the right ovary after cyst exstirpation and peritoneal lavage. / Děloha a pravý vaječník po exstirpaci cysty a lavage pánve. Description: Uterus and the right ovary after cyst exstirpation and peritoneal lavage.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
The pouch of Douglas with fluid, both ovaries and left uterine tube. / Douglasova dutina s sanquinolentní tekutinou, oba vaječníky, levý vejcovod a fimbrie vejcovodu pravého. Description: The pouch of Douglas with fluid, both ovaries and left uterine tube.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
Uterus and the right ovary with the uterine tube, visible ampullar part with fimbriae. Ledt ovary is enlarged with a cyst. / Děloha s pravým vaječníkem a vejcovodem, kde se zobrazje jeho ampulární část s fimbriemi. vaječník je zvětšený s cystou. Description: Uterus and the right ovary with the uterine tube, visible ampullar part with fimbriae. Ledt ovary is enlarged with a cyst.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
Uterus and the left ovary and uterine tube. / Děloha, levý vaječník a vejcovod. Description: Uterus and the left ovary and uterine tube.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
Uterus, left ovary and enlarge right ovary. / Děloha levé ovarium a zvětšené oravé ovarium. Description: Uterus, left ovary and enlarge right ovary.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
Uterus and both ovaries, right after cyst exstirpation. / Děloha a oba vaječníky, pravý vaječník po exstirpaci cysty. Description: Uterus and both ovaries, right after cyst exstirpation.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Left ovary and uterus. / Levý vaječník a  děloha. Description: Left ovary and uterus.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Left ovary and uterine tube, the pouch of Douglas and rigth ovary. / Levý vaječník a vejcovod, Douglasova dutina se sanquinolentním výpotkem a pravý vaječník. Description: Left ovary and uterine tube, the pouch of Douglas and rigth ovary.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Uterus, left ovary and left uetrine tube. / Děloha, levý vaječník a vejcovod. Description: Uterus, left ovary and left uetrine tube.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Endometrioma bilateral
Uterus, left ovary and enlarge right ovary. / Děloham levý vaječník a pravý zvětšený vaječník. Description: Uterus, left ovary and enlarge right ovary.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Sterility
Both ovaries and uterine tubes after cyst exstirpation. / Oba vaječníky a vejcovody po exstirpaci endometriálních cyst. Description: Both ovaries and uterine tubes after cyst exstirpation.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst
Both ovaries after cyst exstirpation. / Oba vaječníky po exstirpaci cysty. Description: Both ovaries after cyst exstirpation.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Uterus and both enlarged ovaries. Brown endometrial implants are visible. / Děloha a oboustranně zvětšené vaječníky s hnědými endometriálními ložisky. Description: Uterus and both enlarged ovaries. Brown endometrial implants are visible.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Uterus and both ovaries joint together filling the pouch of Douglas. Ovaries are enlarged with the brownish colour on the surface which is typical for endometriosis.

 / Děloha a oba vaječníky, který jsou navzájem spojeny a vyplňují Douglasovu dutinu. Na povrchu zejména pravého vaječníku je vidět hnědavé zbarvení typické pro endometriózu. Vaječníky jsou výrazně zvětšeny. Description: Uterus and both ovaries joint together filling the pouch of Douglas. Ovaries are enlarged with the brownish colour on the surface which is typical for endometriosis.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility

Found videos (n=1)

Severe case of pelvic endometriosis, several endometrial implants.Both ovaries after exstirpation of the endometrioma. / Nález rozsáhlé pánevní endometriózy. Patrná četná ložiska endometriózy, obě ovaria po exstirpaci endometriálních cyst. Description: Severe case of pelvic endometriosis, several endometrial implants.Both ovaries after exstirpation of the endometrioma.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst