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130 cs: Mnohočetný myelom
en: Plasma cell myeloma
4 Monika Antošová, Irena Trnavská, J. Kissová 20.1.2008, 1:46 14.9.2009, 14:03 14.9.2009, 14:03 J. Kissová

Nalezené obrázky* (n=7)

AML without maturation- BM
Hypercellular bone marrow with dominant population of myeloblasts. Only one segmented neutrophil is above the picture's centre, it is hypogranular. There is also one mature plasmocyte at 11 o'clock. Due to rich smear not all cells can be definitely distinguished.  / Hypercelulární kostní dřen s převažující populací myeloblastů. Jen jeden neutrofilní segment je nad středem obráźku, je hypogranulovaný. Jeden zralý plazmocyt je také na 11. hodině. Z důvodů bohatého nátěru ne všechny buňky mohou být s jistotou rozpoznány. Description: Hypercellular bone marrow with dominant population of myeloblasts. Only one segmented neutrophil is above the picture's centre, it is hypogranular. There is also one mature plasmocyte at 11 o'clock. Due to rich smear not all cells can be definitely distinguished.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, segmented granulocyte, plasma cell
Mnohočetný myelom - BM
Plasma cell -  so-called "flame cell". / Plazmatická buňka - tzv. "plamenná buňka". Description: Plasma cell - so-called "flame cell".
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: plasma cell
Mnohočetný myelom- BM
Plasma cells on the picture - some of them so-called "flame cells" ( nucleus is eccentrically embedded, acidophilic coloured border of cytoplasm).   / Na obrázku plazmatické buňky- některé z nich tzv. "plamenné buňky" (excentricky uložená jádra, cytoplazma na periferii narůžověle zbarvená). Description: Plasma cells on the picture - some of them so-called "flame cells" ( nucleus is eccentrically embedded, acidophilic coloured border of cytoplasm).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: plasma cell
Multiple myeloma - BM
Two plasma cells, on the left so- called " flame cell"  (vermilion stainig glycogen-rich IgA). / Dvě plazmatické buňky, vlevo tzv. "plamenná buňka" (červenavé zbarvení na glykogen bohatého IgA). Description: Two plasma cells, on the left so- called " flame cell" (vermilion stainig glycogen-rich IgA).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: plasma cell
Mnohočetný myelom - BM
Two plasma cells - on the right  so-called "flame cell"( nucleus is eccentrically embedded, acidophilic coloured border of cytoplasm).  Two smear cells on the left. / Dvě plazmatické buňky- vpravo  tzv. "plamenná buňka" (excentricky uložené jádro, cytoplazma na periferii narůžověle zbarvená), Dvě rozbité buňky  v levé části snímku.

Description: Two plasma cells - on the right so-called "flame cell"( nucleus is eccentrically embedded, acidophilic coloured border of cytoplasm). Two smear cells on the left.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: plasma cell
AML M5a peripheral blood
Six blasts with weakly to strong basophilic rather voluminous cytoplasm. Rest of the cells are promonocytes, destroyed cells, naked nuclei  and one plasma cell (at 3 o'clock).  / Šest blastů se slabě až silně basofilní spíše objemnou cytoplazmou. Zbytek buněk jsou promonocyty, rozbité buňky, holá jádra a jeden plazmocyt (na 3. hodině). Description: Six blasts with weakly to strong basophilic rather voluminous cytoplasm. Rest of the cells are promonocytes, destroyed cells, naked nuclei and one plasma cell (at 3 o'clock).
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, promonocyte, plasma cell
In the upper part of the picture note a myeloblast wiht Auer rods, and  nucleoli. Below this cell  there is a  plasmatic cell and two promyelocytes.
On the right there  is a group of two megaloblasts and two normoblast.   / V horní části obrázku  leží myeloblast s několika Auerovými tyčemi, v jádře zřetelná jadérka, pod ním plasmatická buňka a dva promyelocyty.
Vpravo skupina erytroblastů se 2 normoblasty a 2 megaloblasty.

Description: In the upper part of the picture note a myeloblast wiht Auer rods, and nucleoli. Below this cell there is a plasmatic cell and two promyelocytes. On the right there is a group of two megaloblasts and two normoblast.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, normoblast, plasma cell, megaloblast, Auer rod