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Small- cell bronchial carcinoma - BM
The last example bone marrow tumour cells' infiltration in this case - the cluster of various size tumour cells with immature appearance, narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm and with fine chromatin and a few nucleoli in nucleus. There are two late erythroblasts at the left side of the picture.  / Poslední příklad infiltrace nádorovými buňkami u tohoto případu - trs různě velkých  nádorových   buněk nezralého vzhledu s úzkým lemem bazofilní cytoplazmy, v jádře jemný chromatin a jadérka. Vlevo jsou dva pozdní erytroblasty. Description: The last example bone marrow tumour cells' infiltration in this case - the cluster of various size tumour cells with immature appearance, narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm and with fine chromatin and a few nucleoli in nucleus. There are two late erythroblasts at the left side of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: polychromatophilic normoblast, orthochromatophilic normoblast, tumour cell
Small - cell bronchial carcinoma - BM
Tumour cells' infiltration - cluster of various size immature cells with narrow cytoplasm's  rim, fine chromatin and nucleoli; there is late erythroblast at the upper right and there are some naked nucleoli at the smear.  / Infiltrace nádorovými buňkami - trs různě velkých  buněk s úzkým lemem cytoplazmy, v  jádře jemný chromatin a jadérka, v nátěru je vpravo nahoře pozdní erytroblast a několik holých jáder. Description: Tumour cells' infiltration - cluster of various size immature cells with narrow cytoplasm's rim, fine chromatin and nucleoli; there is late erythroblast at the upper right and there are some naked nucleoli at the smear.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: orthochromatophilic normoblast, naked nucleus, tumour cell
Small- cell bronchial carcinoma - BM
Tumour cells'  infiltration of the bone marrow - cluster of smaller to middle size cells  with high nucleus - cytoplasm ratio, there is fine chromatin in the nucleus with one to more nucleoli. 
There is one hypergranular neutrophile myelocyte at left side, segmented neuthrophil with pseudo-pelgeroid appearance at the top and late erythroblast at the upper left, there are same naked nucleoli at the smear.   / Infiltrace nádorovými buňkami - trs menších a středně velkých  buněk s  vysokým poměrem jádra a cytoplazmy, v  jádře jemný chromatin s jedním až několika jadérky. Vlevo je  jeden hypergranulovaný neutrofilní myelocyt, nahoře neutrofilní segment pseudo-pelgeroidního vzhledu a vpravo nahoře pozdní erytroblast, v nátěru je také několik holých jader. Description: Tumour cells' infiltration of the bone marrow - cluster of smaller to middle size cells with high nucleus - cytoplasm ratio, there is fine chromatin in the nucleus with one to more nucleoli. There is one hypergranular neutrophile myelocyte at left side, segmented neuthrophil with pseudo-pelgeroid appearance at the top and late erythroblast at the upper left, there are same naked nucleoli at the smear.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myelocyte, orthochromatophilic normoblast, hypergranulation, naked nucleus, tumour cell
Small- cell bronchial carcinoma - BM
The first example of the bone marrow infiltration in this case - the cluster of the middle size cells with narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm; there is fine chromatin and some nucleoli in the nucleus. There is eosinophil metamyelocyte at the upper left, neutrophil metamyelocyte at the upper right and there are two  late erythroblasts at the upper part of the picture. Naked nucleoli are the typical content of the smear.   / První příklad infiltrace nádorovými buňkami u tohoto případu - trs středně velkých buněk s úzkým lemem bazofilní cytoplamy; v jádře je jemný chromatin a jadérka. Vlevo nahoře eosinofilní metamyelocyt, vpravo nahoře neutrofilní metamyelocyt, v horní části obrázku dva pozdní erytroblasty. Holá jádra jsou typickou součástí nátěru.  Description: The first example of the bone marrow infiltration in this case - the cluster of the middle size cells with narrow rim of basophilic cytoplasm; there is fine chromatin and some nucleoli in the nucleus. There is eosinophil metamyelocyte at the upper left, neutrophil metamyelocyte at the upper right and there are two late erythroblasts at the upper part of the picture. Naked nucleoli are the typical content of the smear.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, orthochromatophilic normoblast, naked nucleus, tumour cell
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
In the middle of the picture is dysplastic erythroblast  with mature abundant ortochomatophilic cytoplasm and irregular shape of the nucleus. Two blast, that at 11 o'clock is myeloblast with numerous azurophilic granules.
 / Uprostřed obrázku je dysplastický erytroblast se zralou bohatou ortochromatofilní cytoplazmou a nepravidelným tvarem jádra. Dva blasty, ten na 11. hodině je myeloblast s početnými azurofilními granuly. Description: In the middle of the picture is dysplastic erythroblast with mature abundant ortochomatophilic cytoplasm and irregular shape of the nucleus. Two blast, that at 11 o'clock is myeloblast with numerous azurophilic granules.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, erythroblast, orthochromatophilic normoblast
Erythroblastic island
Macrophage (in center) surrounded by cluster of mature erythroblasts. The macrophage phagocytoses defective erythroblasts and extruded erythroblast nuclei. Macrophage also serves as a "iron store" for erythroblasts. / Makrofág (siderofág) uprostřed slouží jako zásobárna Fe. Je obklopený koncentrickým prstencem vyzrávajících polychromatofilních normoblastů. Makrofág fagocytuje defektní erytroblasty a jádra, která jsou v průběhu zrání z erytroblastů vyloučena. 
Description: Macrophage (in center) surrounded by cluster of mature erythroblasts. The macrophage phagocytoses defective erythroblasts and extruded erythroblast nuclei. Macrophage also serves as a "iron store" for erythroblasts.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: macrophage, normoblast, erythroblast, orthochromatophilic normoblast