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AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
The myeloblasts are the most frequent cells of the picture, some of them are in mitosis. In erythroid lineage are megaloblastoid features -  markedly expressed in two cells at 4-5 o'clock. Hypogranulation is in neutrophils.  / Myeloblasty jsou nejčastějšími buňkami obrázku, některé z nich jsou v mitóze. V erytroidní řadě jsou megaloblastoidní rysy - zřetelně vyjádřeny ve dvou buňkách na 4-5. hodině. Hypogranulace je v neutrofilech. Description: The myeloblasts are the most frequent cells of the picture, some of them are in mitosis. In erythroid lineage are megaloblastoid features - markedly expressed in two cells at 4-5 o'clock. Hypogranulation is in neutrophils.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, hypogranulation, megaloblastic haematopoiesis
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
There are seven myeloblasts underneath the centre of the picture and three proerythroblasts at the upper left. Between these two groups of the cells lies one agranular band and one red mitosis. Two early polychromatophil red cells precursors (upper left) have megaloblastoid nuclear pattern  and they are bilobated. Three late polychromatophil normoblasts (to the left and down from the centre) have pycnotic nuclei.   / Pod centrem obrázku je sedm myeloblastů a tři proerytroblasty jsou vlevo nahoře. Mezi těmito dvěma skupinami buněk leží jedna agranulární tyčka a jedna červená mitóza. Dva časné
polychromatofilní prekurzory erytrocytů mají megaloblastoidní vzhled jádra a jsou bilobární. Tři pozdní polychromatofilní normoblasty (doleva a dolu z centra) mají pyknotická jádra. Description: There are seven myeloblasts underneath the centre of the picture and three proerythroblasts at the upper left. Between these two groups of the cells lies one agranular band and one red mitosis. Two early polychromatophil red cells precursors (upper left) have megaloblastoid nuclear pattern and they are bilobated. Three late polychromatophil normoblasts (to the left and down from the centre) have pycnotic nuclei.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, proerythroblast, polychromatophilic normoblast, megaloblastic haematopoiesis
medulloblastoma cells in BM with nuclear shadows,  mitosis in the centre / medulloblastomové buňky v kostní dřeni a jaderné stíny, uprostřed mitosa Description: medulloblastoma cells in BM with nuclear shadows, mitosis in the centre
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: mitosis, nuclear shadows, tumour cell
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma - ALK negative
Two lymphoma cells are in the picture. One of them is large with almost round nucleus with fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli, abundant basophilic cytoplasm converts to more basophilic at the right perinuclear area. Another lymphoma cell is smaller (at 8 o'clock) with ex-centric nucleus. It contains fine chromatin and 2 to 3 small nucleoli. Other cells of the picture belong to neutrophil lineage including one mitosis (at the right from the centre). There is one monocyte above at large lymphoma cell.  / Na obrázku jsou dvě lymfomové buňky. Jedna z nich je velká s téměř kulatým jádrem, s jemným jaderným chromatinem a prominujícími jadérky, bohatá bazofilní cytoplazma se mění ve více eozinofilní v pravé perinukleární oblasti. Jiná lymfomová buňka (na 8. hodině) je  menší s excentrickým jádrem. Obsahuje jemný jaderný chromatin a 2-3 malá jadérka.   Další buňky na obrázku patří neutrofilní řadě včetně jedné mitózy (napravo od středu). Jeden monocyt je nad velkou lymfomovou buňkou. Description: Two lymphoma cells are in the picture. One of them is large with almost round nucleus with fine chromatin and prominent nucleoli, abundant basophilic cytoplasm converts to more basophilic at the right perinuclear area. Another lymphoma cell is smaller (at 8 o'clock) with ex-centric nucleus. It contains fine chromatin and 2 to 3 small nucleoli. Other cells of the picture belong to neutrophil lineage including one mitosis (at the right from the centre). There is one monocyte above at large lymphoma cell.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monocyte, lymphocyte atypical
Megaloblastic haematopoiesis- BM
Mitoses are more frequent in bone marrow (mitosis of granulocytic lineage at left, erythroid mitosis at right). Cell in metaphase shows that chromosomes are unusually long.  / V kostní dřeni jsou častější mitózy (mitóza granulocytární řady vlevo, erytroidní mitóza vpravo). Buňka v metafázi ukazuje neobvykle dlouhé chromozomy. Description: Mitoses are more frequent in bone marrow (mitosis of granulocytic lineage at left, erythroid mitosis at right). Cell in metaphase shows that chromosomes are unusually long.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: mitosis
AML M5b bone marrow
Mitosis in tumour cell. There are destroyed erythrocytes in the leukemic cell at 3 o'clock.   / Mitóza v nádorové buňce. Rozrušené erytrocyty v leukemické buňce na 3. hodině. Description: Mitosis in tumour cell. There are destroyed erythrocytes in the leukemic cell at 3 o'clock.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: hemophagocytosis, mitosis
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Late erythroblasts - that one in the middle with atypical mitosis and Howell-Jolly body, another one (at 8 o'clock) with completely fragmented nucleus.    / Pozdní erytroblasty - ten uprostřed s atypickou mitózou a Howell-Jollyho tělískem, další (na 8. hodině) s kompletně fragmentovaným jádrem. Description: Late erythroblasts - that one in the middle with atypical mitosis and Howell-Jolly body, another one (at 8 o'clock) with completely fragmented nucleus.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: erythroblast, Howell-Jolly body, mitosis