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AML M2- bone marrow 3
Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of second blast from the right. Some of neutrophils are with nuclear hyposegmentation and cytoplasmatic hypogranulation. Numerous naked cells. / Infiltrace blasty, střední až větší velikosti, některé s granulací, v cytoplazmě druhého blastu zprava je Auerova tyč;
některé buňky neutrofilní řady vykazují známky hyposegmentace a hypogranulace. Četná holá jádra. Description: Infiltration of blasts medium to large of size, some with granulation; Auer rod is present in cytoplasm of second blast from the right. Some of neutrophils are with nuclear hyposegmentation and cytoplasmatic hypogranulation. Numerous naked cells.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, Auer rod, hyposegmentation, hypogranulation
CML - bone marrow, lowe magnification
Hyper-cellular bone marrow with granulocytic hyperplasia and increased myeloid : erythroid ratio. The picture shows one smaller and hypo-segmented megakaryocyte at the middle.  / Hypercelulární kostní dřeň s granulocytární hyperplázií a zvýšeným poměrem granulocyto : erytroidním. Obrázek zobrazuje jeden malý a hyposegementovaný megakaryocyt uprostřed. Description: Hyper-cellular bone marrow with granulocytic hyperplasia and increased myeloid : erythroid ratio. The picture shows one smaller and hypo-segmented megakaryocyte at the middle.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: megakaryocyte, hyposegmentation
CML - bone marrow, lower magnification
Bone marrow hypercellularity, granulocytic hyperplasia. Two hypo-segmented and smaller megakaryocytes are shown underneath the centre of the picture.  / Hypercelularita kostní dřeně, granulocytární hyperplázie. Dva hyposegmentované a menší megakaryocyty jsou zobrazeny pod centrem obrázku Description: Bone marrow hypercellularity, granulocytic hyperplasia. Two hypo-segmented and smaller megakaryocytes are shown underneath the centre of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: megakaryocyte, hyposegmentation