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AML M5b bone marrow
All cells belong to monocytic lineage. There is consumed segmented neutrophil in the centre cell.    / Všechny buňky patří k monocytární řadě. V buňce uprostřed je pozřený neutrofilní segment. Description: All cells belong to monocytic lineage. There is consumed segmented neutrophil in the centre cell.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: hemophagocytosis
AML M5b bone marrow
Mitosis in tumour cell. There are destroyed erythrocytes in the leukemic cell at 3 o'clock.   / Mitóza v nádorové buňce. Rozrušené erytrocyty v leukemické buňce na 3. hodině. Description: Mitosis in tumour cell. There are destroyed erythrocytes in the leukemic cell at 3 o'clock.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: hemophagocytosis, mitosis
AML M5b bone marrow
Pronounced phagocytosis in tumour cells. Cytoplasm of the cell in the middle is completely loaded  by erythrocytes. The neighbouring cells (bellow and at left) have naked nuclei in their cytoplasm.   / Výrazná fagocytóza v nádorových buňkách. Cytoplazma buňky uprostřed je kompletně naplněna erytrocyty. Sousedící buňky (dole a vlevo) mají v cytoplazmě holá jádra. Description: Pronounced phagocytosis in tumour cells. Cytoplasm of the cell in the middle is completely loaded by erythrocytes. The neighbouring cells (bellow and at left) have naked nuclei in their cytoplasm.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: hemophagocytosis
AML M5a bone marrow
Hyper-cellular bone marrow which contains 86,2%   monoblasts (>80% of all nucleated cell of bone marrow are of monocytic lineage; > 80% of monocytic lineage are monoblasts). Hemophagocytosis - erythrophagocytosis can be observed (monoblast at right from the middle; in this patient cytogenetic analysis to prove association with  t(8;16) has not done ).  / Hypercelulární kostní dřeň, která obsahuje 86,2% monoblastů (>80% z jederných buněk dřene jsou monocytární linie, >80% monocytání linie jsou monoblasty). Může být pozorována hemofagocytóza - erytrofagocytóza (monoblast napravo od středu; u této pacientky cytogenetická analýza k potvrzení asociace s t(8;16) nebyla provedena ). Description: Hyper-cellular bone marrow which contains 86,2% monoblasts (>80% of all nucleated cell of bone marrow are of monocytic lineage; > 80% of monocytic lineage are monoblasts). Hemophagocytosis - erythrophagocytosis can be observed (monoblast at right from the middle; in this patient cytogenetic analysis to prove association with t(8;16) has not done ).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: monoblast, hemophagocytosis