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AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
Three myeloblast and six erythroid cells (and one naked nucleus) are in the picture. Two immature erythroid cells with abundant basophilic cytoplasm are megalobasts. At the lower left is one more cell probably of granulocytic lineage; it has a few cytoplasmic a one nuclear inclusions of not clear origin - some of them can be digestive ones after haemophagocytosis (one at 6 o'clock in the cell).   / Na obrázku jsou tři myeloblasty a šest buněk erytropoezy (a jedno holé jádro). Dvě nezralé erytroidní buňky s bohatou bazofilní cytoplazmou jsou megaloblasty. Nalevo dole je jedna buňka pravděpodobně granulocytární řady; má pár cytoplazmatických a jednu jadernou inkluzi nejasného původu - některé z nich mohou být ztrávené po hemofagocytóze (jedna na 5. hodině v buňce). Description: Three myeloblast and six erythroid cells (and one naked nucleus) are in the picture. Two immature erythroid cells with abundant basophilic cytoplasm are megalobasts. At the lower left is one more cell probably of granulocytic lineage; it has a few cytoplasmic a one nuclear inclusions of not clear origin - some of them can be digestive ones after haemophagocytosis (one at 6 o'clock in the cell).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, megaloblast, haemophagocytosis
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM
There are three myeloblasts in the picture, one of them underneath the centre with cleft nucleus. Three immature cells of erythroid lineage (proerythroblast and two more or less mature early normoblasts) belong to cells localized around the picture's centre. At 5 o'clock lays one dysplastic cell of perhaps granulocytic or may be monocytic lineage; it has band-like but really immature nucleus with fine chromatin and clear nucleoli and immature cytoplasm without granulation. Another almost bizarre cell is in the centre, it the most probably belongs in granulocytic series, it has moderately mature nucleus, basophilic cytoplasm almost without granulation but with one digested late normoblast.  / Na obrázku jsou tři myeloblasty, jeden z nich pod centrem se štěpeným jádrem. Tři nezralé buňky erytroidní linie (proerytroblast a dva méně či více zralé časné normoblasty patří k buňkám umístěným okolo středu obrázku. Na 5. hodině leží dysplastická buňka granulocytární nebo možná monocytární řady; má tyčkovité ale opravdu nezralé jádro s jemným chromatinem a jasnými jadérky a nezralou cytoplazmu bez granulace. Jiná téměř bizarní buňka je ve středu, nejpravděpodobněji  patří ke granulocytární řadě, má středně zralé jádro, basofilní cytoplazmu téměř bez granulace ale s jedním pohlceným pozdním normoblastem. Description: There are three myeloblasts in the picture, one of them underneath the centre with cleft nucleus. Three immature cells of erythroid lineage (proerythroblast and two more or less mature early normoblasts) belong to cells localized around the picture's centre. At 5 o'clock lays one dysplastic cell of perhaps granulocytic or may be monocytic lineage; it has band-like but really immature nucleus with fine chromatin and clear nucleoli and immature cytoplasm without granulation. Another almost bizarre cell is in the centre, it the most probably belongs in granulocytic series, it has moderately mature nucleus, basophilic cytoplasm almost without granulation but with one digested late normoblast.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, proerythroblast, basophilic normoblast, haemophagocytosis
Anaplastic large cell lymphoma - ALK negative
Erythrophagocytosis by macrophages is occasionally seen in cases ALCL, especially in lymphohistiocytic variant (in classic variant is rarely seen erythrophagocytosis by malignant cells).  / Erytrofagocytózu makrofágy lze příležitostně spatřit v případech ALCL, zvláště pak u lymfohistiocytární varianty (u klasické varianty je vzácně vidět erytrofagocytózu maligními buňkami). Description: Erythrophagocytosis by macrophages is occasionally seen in cases ALCL, especially in lymphohistiocytic variant (in classic variant is rarely seen erythrophagocytosis by malignant cells).
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: haemophagocytosis
Megaloblastic erythropoiesis- BM
Storage iron is usually increased in case of megaloblastic erythropoiesis. Haemophagocytosis is also shown here.  / U megaloblastové přestavy je obvykle zvýšeno zásobní železo. Zde je rovněž přítomna hemofagocytóza. Description: Storage iron is usually increased in case of megaloblastic erythropoiesis. Haemophagocytosis is also shown here.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: iron stain, haemophagocytosis
Megaloblastic haematopoiesis- BM
Megaloblastic erythropoiesis is ineffective, early erythroid cells are over-represented in comparison with mature cells. Macrophages are increased and contain defective red cell precursors and cellular debris.  / Megaloblastická erytropoéza je inefektivní, časné erytroidní buňky jsou častěji zastoupeny v porovnání s buňkami zralými. Je zvýšen počet makrofágů a obsahují defektní erytroidní prekurzory a zbytky buněk. Description: Megaloblastic erythropoiesis is ineffective, early erythroid cells are over-represented in comparison with mature cells. Macrophages are increased and contain defective red cell precursors and cellular debris.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: macrophage, haemophagocytosis