Výsledky hledání*
Nalezené obrázky* (n=4)
Megaloblastic haematopoiesis- BM
Description: Giant metamyelocytes and bands in neutrophil series are usually present. Detection of these cells is diagnostically important in cases, when megaloblastic features of erythropoiesis are masked by co-existing iron deficiency. Granulopoiesis use to be also hyperplastic in bone marrow, although less so than erythropoiesis.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: giant band cell, giant metamyelocyte
Megaloblastic haematopoiesis- BM
Description: There is the giant metamyelocyte at 6 o'clock at a typical change in granulocytic lineage. It is approximately twice times the size of a normal metamyelocyte with abnormal shape of nuclei. There is a hypersegmented neutrophil at right.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, giant metamyelocyte
Description: In the middle of this picture you can see a blast with clear Auer rods (visible clear nucleoli).
On the left there is a large metamyelocyte.
In cells of myeloid lineage a dense hypergranulation is visible.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: Auer rod, hypergranulation, giant metamyelocyte
Description: Large metamyelocyte and three blasts with visible nucleoli.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, giant metamyelocyte
![Giant metamyelocytes and bands in neutrophil series are usually present. Detection of these cells is diagnostically important in cases, when megaloblastic features of erythropoiesis are masked by co-existing iron deficiency. Granulopoiesis use to be also hyperplastic in bone marrow, although less so than erythropoiesis. / V neutrofilní řadě jsou obvykle jsou přítomny velké metamyelocyty a tyče. Detekce těchto buněk je diagnosticky důležitá v případech, kdy jsou megaloblastické rysy erytropoézy maskovány současně přítomným nedostatkem železa. Granulopoéza je v kostní dřeni rovněž zmnožena, i když méně nežli erytropoéza.](./obr/483c64accf0fe.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: giant band cell, giant metamyelocyte
![There is the giant metamyelocyte at 6 o'clock at a typical change in granulocytic lineage. It is approximately twice times the size of a normal metamyelocyte with abnormal shape of nuclei. There is a hypersegmented neutrophil at right. / Na 6. hodině je gigantický metamyelocyt jako typická změna v granulocytární řadě. Je přibližně dvakrát větší nežli normální metamyelocyt s abnormálním tvarem jádra. Vpravo je hypersegmentovaný neutrofil.](./obr/483c6498ddbbd.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, giant metamyelocyte
![In the middle of this picture you can see a blast with clear Auer rods (visible clear nucleoli).
On the left there is a large metamyelocyte.
In cells of myeloid lineage a dense hypergranulation is visible. / Uprostřed obrázku blast s Auerovými tyčemi (zřetelná jadérka).
Na levo velký metamyelocyt .
Hrubá hypergranulace v buňkách myelořady.](./obr/458658afd8a7f.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: Auer rod, hypergranulation, giant metamyelocyte
![Large metamyelocyte and three blasts with visible nucleoli. / Na obrázku je obrovský metamyelocyt a tři blasty s viditelnými jadérky.](./obr/4586588872fd4.jpg)
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: metamyelocyte, giant metamyelocyte