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Megaloblastic erythropoiesis- BM
More (at right) or less (at left) mature megaloblasts with abundant cytoplasm. The more mature one contains numerous Howell Jolly bodies. Erythrocyte at the middle left shows basophilic stippling - this picture can be find also in peripheral blood smears.   / Více (vpravo) či méně (vlevo) zralé megaloblasty s objemnou cytoplazmou. Ten více zralý obsahuje četná Howell- Jollyho tělíska. Erytrocyt vlevo uprostřed ukazuje basofilní tečkování - tento obraz může být nalezen i v nátěrech periferní krve. Description: More (at right) or less (at left) mature megaloblasts with abundant cytoplasm. The more mature one contains numerous Howell Jolly bodies. Erythrocyte at the middle left shows basophilic stippling - this picture can be find also in peripheral blood smears.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: basophilic stippling, Howell-Jolly body
MDS RAEB I- bone marrow
Late erythroblasts - that one in the middle with atypical mitosis and Howell-Jolly body, another one (at 8 o'clock) with completely fragmented nucleus.    / Pozdní erytroblasty - ten uprostřed s atypickou mitózou a Howell-Jollyho tělískem, další (na 8. hodině) s kompletně fragmentovaným jádrem. Description: Late erythroblasts - that one in the middle with atypical mitosis and Howell-Jolly body, another one (at 8 o'clock) with completely fragmented nucleus.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: erythroblast, Howell-Jolly body, mitosis