Subserous leiomyoma

Author: Eva Račanská

37 year old 0 gravida referred by gynecologist for sterility, trying time 1,5 years. She is healthy with regular menstrual cycle. Bimanual pelvic examination with no abnormalities, ultrasound examination shows leiomyoma from the posterior uterine wall 30 mm in diameter, both ovaries of normal size with follicles. Diagnostic laparoscopy with hysteroscopy and dye instillation was performed. Anteverted uterus with subserous leiomyoma arising from the posterior uterine wall - 30 mm in diameter. Both ovaries of normal size, shape and appearance. Both uterine tubes patent after dye instillation. No obvious cause of sterility was found during the laparoscopy, spontaneus pregnancy is possible.

Subserous leiomyoma, Uterus


Subserous myom - posterior uterine wall
Subserous myoma 30 mm in diameter arising from the posterior uterine wall / Subserózní myom o průměru 30 mm vycházející ze zadní stěny děložní Description: Subserous myoma 30 mm in diameter arising from the posterior uterine wall
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterus, Leiomyoma
Subserous myom - posterior uterine wall
Subserous myoma arising from the posterior uterine wall. Right uterine tube filled with patent blau on the right from the myoma. / Subserózní myom ze zadní stěny děložní, na který naléhá pravý vejcovod vyplněný barvivem - patent blau - k ověření průchodnosti vejcovodů. Description: Subserous myoma arising from the posterior uterine wall. Right uterine tube filled with patent blau on the right from the myoma.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterus, Leiomyoma
Subserous myom - posterior uterine wall
Uterus and the right uterine tube, round ligament at the back on the right from the uterus. Voluminous subserous myoma arising from the cervicocorporal junction from the posterior uterine wall. / Děloha, pravý vejcovod a ligamentum rotundum (oblý vaz) na pravo v zadní části snímku. Objemný myom, subserózně uložený vycházející ze zadní stěny děložní, oblasti cervikokorporální junkce. Description: Uterus and the right uterine tube, round ligament at the back on the right from the uterus. Voluminous subserous myoma arising from the cervicocorporal junction from the posterior uterine wall.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterus, Leiomyoma
Subserous myom - posterior uterine wall
Subserous leiomyoma, right ovary and uterine tube filled with contrast fluid during patency test. / Subserózní myom, pravé ovarium a pravý vejcovod naplněný kontrastní látku, která vytéká z ampuly vejcovodu. Description: Subserous leiomyoma, right ovary and uterine tube filled with contrast fluid during patency test.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterus, Leiomyoma