Endometrial polypus

Author: Eva Račanská

52 year old III. para referred by gynecologist for perimenopausal irregular bleeding which started after 6 months of amenorrhoea. No significant personal history. 3 spontaneus uncomplicated vaginal deliveries.No history of contraceptive pills or other hormonal therapy. Ultrasound examination showed anteverted uterus of normal size, endometrium 9 mm, right ovary with simple cyst 30 mm in diameter. Bimanual pelvic examination - normal findings. Diagnostic hysteroscopy with fractional dilation and curretage was performed.Pedunculated polypus 15 by 25 mm was detected, arising from the posterior uterine wall. It was removed and send for histology confirmation. Histology: Polypus with complex atypical hyperplasia. Patient decided for hysterectomy due to the histology result.

Hysteroscopy, Polypus


Uterine cavity with the polypus in the middle. / Dutina děložní s endometriálním polypem, který je umístěný ve středu obrázku. Description: Uterine cavity with the polypus in the middle.
Type: HSK
Keywords: Uterine cavity, Polypus
Endometrial polypus arising from the posterior uterine wall filling the uterine cavity. / Endometriální polyp vycházející ze zadní stěny děložní, vyplňující dutinu děložní. Description: Endometrial polypus arising from the posterior uterine wall filling the uterine cavity.
Type: HSK
Keywords: Uterine cavity, Polypus
Pedunculated polypus  / Stopkatý polyp Description: Pedunculated polypus
Type: HSK
Keywords: Uterine cavity, Polypus
Polypus in the uterine cavity / Polyp v dutině děložní Description: Polypus in the uterine cavity
Type: HSK
Keywords: Uterine cavity, Polypus
Uterine cavity with the stalk of the polypus. Polypus is pushed backwards so the uterine cavity is visible. / Dutina děložní s viditelnou stopkou polypu. Polyp je odcloněn za účelem přehlédnutí celé dutiny děložní. Description: Uterine cavity with the stalk of the polypus. Polypus is pushed backwards so the uterine cavity is visible.
Type: HSK
Keywords: Uterine cavity, Polypus