Dermoid, Benign cystic teratoma

Author: Eva Račanská

35 year old II gravida I para referred by her gynecologist for a persisting cyst of the right ovary. She has no health problems, menstrual cycle is regular, spontaneus vaginal delivery 9 years ago, 1 spontaneus abortion 7 years ago. Bimanual vaginal examination shows normal size, anteverted uterus and palpable formation behind the uterus more on the right 5 cm in diameter. Ultrasound describes anteverted uterus of normal size, endometrium 4 mm, left ovary of normal size and echogenity with an anechogenic, follicular cyst 20 mm in diameter. Right ovary 74 by 40 mm with anisoechogenic structure with anechogenic and hyperechogenic areas, reminding cystic teratoma (dermoidal cyst). Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed. Uterus is of normal size, left ovary with follicular cyst 30 mm in diameter. Right ovary is enlarged, 60 mm in diameter, almost consumpted by a bilocular dermoidal cyst and with follicular cyst 40 mm in diameter. Dermoidal cyst was exstirpated and extracted from the pelvic cavity using endo-bag. Histology confirmed mature cystic teratoma of the right ovary.

Benign ovarian cyst, Dermoid, Benign cystic teratoma


Uterus and enlarged rigth ovary. / Děloha a zvětšený pravý vaječník. Description: Uterus and enlarged rigth ovary.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Right ovary enlarged by follicular and dermoid cyst. / Pravý vaječní zvětšený folikulární i dermoidální cystou. Description: Right ovary enlarged by follicular and dermoid cyst.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Right ovary enlarged with cyst. / Pravý vaječník zvětšený cystou. Description: Right ovary enlarged with cyst.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Follicular cyst
Left ovary with left uterine tube, visible folicullar cyst. / Levý vaječník a vejcovod s prosvítající folikulární cystou. Description: Left ovary with left uterine tube, visible folicullar cyst.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Follicular cyst
Left ovary of normal size and shape with small follicular cyst. / Levý vaječník normální velikosti a tvaru s drobnou folikulární cystou. Description: Left ovary of normal size and shape with small follicular cyst.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Uterus and the rest of the right ovary after dermoidal cyst exstirpation. / Děloha a zbytek pravého vaječníku po exstirpaci dermoidální cysty z pravého ovaria. Description: Uterus and the rest of the right ovary after dermoidal cyst exstirpation.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst