Dermoid, Benign cystic teratoma

Author: Eva Račanská

41 year old VI gravida II para referred by gynecologist for a persisting cyst of the right ovary. She delivered vaginally 25 and 20 years ago and underwent 3 terminations of unwanted pregnancy. She is otherwise healthy and has no complains. She is taking oral contraceptive pills and has regular menstrual cycle. Bimanual pelvic examination showed enlarged right ovary 40 - 50 mm in diameter, retroverted slightly enlarged uterus, left adnexal region with no abnormalities. Transvaginal ultrasound examination describes enlarged myomatous uterus, right ovary with anisoechogenic cyst with hyperechogenic foci 40 by 50 mm in diameter reminding dermoidal cyst, left ovary of normal size and echogenity. Tumor markers are (Ca - 125) - negative. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed with the following findings: retroverted uterus with numerous small subserous leiomyomas, both uterine tubes and left ovary were of normal size and shape with no abnormalities. The right ovary was enlarged up to 50 mm in diameter, the cyst contained hair and adipous tissue and was exstirpated and send for histology confirmation. Histology result was mature cystic teratoma of the right ovary.

Benign ovarian cyst, Dermoid, Benign cystic teratoma


Enlarged right ovary with the ampullar part of the uteirne tube. Uterus with the small subserous myoma. / Zvětšený pravý vaječník, ampulární část vejcovodu a děloha s drobným subserźním myomem. Description: Enlarged right ovary with the ampullar part of the uteirne tube. Uterus with the small subserous myoma.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Leiomyoma, Cyst
Right uterine tube and the enlarged right ovary with smooth vascular surface. / Pravý vejcovod s pravým zvětšeným vaječníkem. Description: Right uterine tube and the enlarged right ovary with smooth vascular surface.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Enlarged right ovary, 5 cm in diameter, ampulla of the uterine tube with fimbriae. / Zvětšený pravý vaječník, 5 cm v průměru, ampula pravého vejcovodu s fimbriemi. Description: Enlarged right ovary, 5 cm in diameter, ampulla of the uterine tube with fimbriae.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Enlarged smooth rigth ovary, uterus with the subserous myoma. / Zvětšený pravý vaječník s hladkou stěnou a děloha s drobným subserózním myomem. Description: Enlarged smooth rigth ovary, uterus with the subserous myoma.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Right ovary, enlarged with dermoidal cyst. Uterus with small subserous myoma at the back. / Zvětšený pravý vaječník s dermoidální cystou. V pozadí děloha s drobným subserózním myomem. Description: Right ovary, enlarged with dermoidal cyst. Uterus with small subserous myoma at the back.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst
Right ovary after enucleation of the cyst. / Pravé ovarium po enukleaci cysty. Description: Right ovary after enucleation of the cyst.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Cyst