
Autor*: S. Valníček

Two slides from 6 years old boy (Fig. No.1-3) and 16 years old boy (Fig. No.4-8) with diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) in clinical stage IV - BM metastases. RMS in children belongs to the tumours with hich rate of Bone Marrow metastasis together with Ewing's sarcoma, neuroblastoma and retinoblastoma. RMS metastases in bone marrow consist of cells with considerable variability in size and shape. Cellular nucleus is round, oval or slightly lobular. Nuclear chromatin in small cells is dense compared to large cells where it is smooth, but sometimes granular or trabecular. The cytoplasm is mildly basophilic with a acidophilic perinuclear clearing. Giant multinuclear or binuclear cells can be found, large cells with broad and ballooned cytoplasm, or spindle shaped rhabdomyoblasts. In some cases a phagocytosis (erytrophagocytosis) in the tumor cells is apparent. The peripheral cytoplasm contains numerous vacuole-like empty spaces, filled with glycogen, confirmed by the intensively positive PAS reaction (Fig.No.8). Translocation characteristic for this tumor is t(2,13)(q37, q14). The translocation results in fusion (abnormal) gene involving the PAX3 gene and FKHR(ALV) gene on chromosome 13.



Centrally a rhabdomyoblast with a large nucleus and abundant vacuolised cytoplasma.
The peripheral cytoplasm is basophilic,
in the perinuclear zone acidophilic. Nuclear
chromatin is granular.
  / V centru rhabdomyoblast s velkým jádrem a bohatou, vakuolizovanou cytoplasmou.
Cytoplasma je na periferii basofilní, perinukleárně acidofilní. Jaderný chromatin je hrubě granulární.
Description: Centrally a rhabdomyoblast with a large nucleus and abundant vacuolised cytoplasma. The peripheral cytoplasm is basophilic, in the perinuclear zone acidophilic. Nuclear chromatin is granular.
Type: bone marrow
Rosette - shaped rhabdomyoblasts, Upward probably one multinuclear cell, downward on the left binucleated cell. All cells with abundant vacuolised cytoplasm. The peripheral cytoplasm is basophilic, the perinuclear zone in some cells acidophilic. / rozetovitě uspořádané rhabdomyoblasty, buňky v horní částií  spíše splývají, snad jde o jednu vícejadernou b., vlevo dole buňka dvoujaderná, cytoplasma je ve všech buňkách bohatě vakuolizována, na periferii basofilní, perinukleárně u některých bb. acidofilní Description: Rosette - shaped rhabdomyoblasts, Upward probably one multinuclear cell, downward on the left binucleated cell. All cells with abundant vacuolised cytoplasm. The peripheral cytoplasm is basophilic, the perinuclear zone in some cells acidophilic.
Type: bone marrow
Nidus of rhabdomyosarcoma cells, containing numerous vacuole-like empty spaces, sometimes creating lacoon-like spaces. Marginal erytrophagocytosis. / ložisko  rhabdomyosarkomových buněk, obsahujících četné vakuoly,  z nichž některé splývají a vytvářejí tzv."jezírka." Naznačena fagocytoza erytrocytů. Description: Nidus of rhabdomyosarcoma cells, containing numerous vacuole-like empty spaces, sometimes creating lacoon-like spaces. Marginal erytrophagocytosis.
Type: bone marrow
Upwards round rhabdomyoblast, below a spindle-shaped rhabdomyoblast, containing phagocyted red blood cells. Vacuoles are sporadic in both cells. / nahoře kulatý, pod ním vřetenovitý rhabdomyoblast, který obsahuje zfagocytované erytrocyty. Vakuoly jsou zde ojedinělé. Description: Upwards round rhabdomyoblast, below a spindle-shaped rhabdomyoblast, containing phagocyted red blood cells. Vacuoles are sporadic in both cells.
Type: bone marrow
a large, multinuclear rhabdomyosarcoma cell,
containing vacuoles and numerous phagocyted red blood cells, left three rhabdomyosarcoma cells, partially vacuolised, right a small, round cell with sporadic vacuoles . In the large cells the nuclear  chromatin  is  more rare, in the small cells more dense. / V horní části velká vícejaderná rhabdomyosarkomová b. obsahující vakuoly a četné fagocytované ery. V levo tři rhabdomyosarkomové bb., částečně vakuolizované , v pravo malá kulatá buňka sporadickými  vakuolami. U větších bb. je jaderný chromatin řidší, u malých je hutnější.
Description: a large, multinuclear rhabdomyosarcoma cell, containing vacuoles and numerous phagocyted red blood cells, left three rhabdomyosarcoma cells, partially vacuolised, right a small, round cell with sporadic vacuoles . In the large cells the nuclear chromatin is more rare, in the small cells more dense.
Type: bone marrow
A group of rhabdomyosarcoma cells with significant variability of shape and size and various numbers of vacuoles. The nuclear chromatin in small cells is condensed, in the large cell  more smooth. The cytoplasm is basophilic, in some cells with a perinuclear acidophilic zone.    / Skupina buněk rhabdomyosarkomu značně variabilní velikosti a tvaru, s větším, či menším počtem vakuol v cytoplasmě. Jádra malých bb. 
mají chromatin kondenzovaný, u velké b. je hrubě zrnitý. Cytoplasma basofilní, u některých bb. je perinukleární acidofilní dvorec.
Description: A group of rhabdomyosarcoma cells with significant variability of shape and size and various numbers of vacuoles. The nuclear chromatin in small cells is condensed, in the large cell more smooth. The cytoplasm is basophilic, in some cells with a perinuclear acidophilic zone.
Type: bone marrow
a group of spindle shaped, or round rhabdomyoblasts with numerous vacuoles,
some of them binucleated                         / skupina rhabdomyoblastů vřetenovitého., nebo kulatého tvaru s četnými vakuolami, některé dvoujaderné. Description: a group of spindle shaped, or round rhabdomyoblasts with numerous vacuoles, some of them binucleated
Type: bone marrow
RMS, PAS reaction
vacuole-like empty spaces in rhabdomyoblasts are filled with glycogen, confirmed with the intensively positive PAS reaction. / Vakuolovité prázdné prostůrky v rhabdomyoblastech jsou vyplněny glykogenem, což potvrzuje silně positivní PAS reakce. Description: vacuole-like empty spaces in rhabdomyoblasts are filled with glycogen, confirmed with the intensively positive PAS reaction.
Type: bone marrow
tumor imprint preparation
Rhabdomyoma cells in a tumor imprint. The cells contain numerous vacuole-like empty spaces, sometimes creating lacoon-like spaces. Solitary marginal phagocytosis in the tumor cells. / Ložisko nádorových buněk v otiskovém preparátu primárníhu tumoru u rhabdomyosarkomu. Buňky obsahují četné vakuoly, z nichž některé splývají a vytvářejí tzv."jezírka". Na okrajích ojediněle  v nádo- rových buňkách fagocytosa. Description: Rhabdomyoma cells in a tumor imprint. The cells contain numerous vacuole-like empty spaces, sometimes creating lacoon-like spaces. Solitary marginal phagocytosis in the tumor cells.
Type: tumor print