Chronic myelogenous leukaemia - accelerated phase

Autor*: Irena Trnavská, J. Kissová

57 years old male with hyperleucocytosis and splenomegaly, suspicion on chronic myeloid leukaemia. Bone marrow morphology shows granulocytic hyperplasia, increased number of blasts, myelocytes and eosinophiles are too increased, marked basophilia. Dysplastic features are present, giant bands and metamyelocytes, hypogranular forms. Blasts 10,8% / 500 cells. Molecular genetic analyse: bcr/abl positivity.

Chronic myeloid leukaemia, BCR/ABL 1 positive


CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes,  blasts and eosinophiles are increased, marked basophilia. Blasts are in the centre and on the right and left side (at 9 and 2 o'clock), eosinophil is in the centre below segmented granulocyte. Four basophiles are present - two at the right side up and two at the bottom part of the picture.

   / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty a eozinofily, výrazná bazofilie. Blasty uprostřed , dále vlevo i vpravo (na 9.a 2.hodině), eozinofil uprostřed pod neutrofilním segmentem,. Bazofilyjsou  přítomny 4, dva vpravo nahoře a dva ve spodní části 
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts and eosinophiles are increased, marked basophilia. Blasts are in the centre and on the right and left side (at 9 and 2 o'clock), eosinophil is in the centre below segmented granulocyte. Four basophiles are present - two at the right side up and two at the bottom part of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, eosinophil, basophil, band, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes,  blasts and eosinophiles are increased. Blast is on the right side bottom , two eosinophil myelocytes are present - one up and one at the bottom in the centre of the picture.  
 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty a eozinofily. Blast vlevo dole, dva eozinofilní myelocyty - jeden nahoře a jeden dole uprostřed obrázku. 
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts and eosinophiles are increased. Blast is on the right side bottom , two eosinophil myelocytes are present - one up and one at the bottom in the centre of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, eosinophil, band, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts are increased, marked basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre bottom and one is  on the right side ( on the 2 o'clock).Three basophiles are present - one in the centre and two at the right side of the picture. 

 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty, je výrazná bazofílie. Přítomny dva blasty, jeden dole uprostřed a jeden vpravo ( na 2. hodině). Jsou přítomny tři bazofily - jeden uprostřed a dva na pravé straně obrázku.

Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, blasts are increased, marked basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre bottom and one is on the right side ( on the 2 o'clock).Three basophiles are present - one in the centre and two at the right side of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, basophil, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - BM
Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, eosinophiles and  blasts are increased, basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre  and one is  on the right side up (on the 2 o'clock).Two basophiles are present - one is slightly right up and one at the left side bottom. Eosinophil myelocyte is present on the right upper border of the picture.
 / Hyperplastická kostní dřeň se zmnožením buněk granulopoezy, dominující populací jsou 
myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty, zmnoženy blasty, výrazná bazofílie. Přítomny dva blasty, jeden uprostřed a jeden vpravo nahoře( na 2. hodině) a dva bazofily - jeden mírně vpravo nahoře a jeden vlevo dole. Eosinofilní myelocyt je při pravém horním okraji obrázku.
Description: Hyperplastic bone marrow with increased number of granulopoetic cells, predominant population represent myelocytes and segmented granulocytes, eosinophiles and blasts are increased, basophilia. Two blasts are present - one is in the centre and one is on the right side up (on the 2 o'clock).Two basophiles are present - one is slightly right up and one at the left side bottom. Eosinophil myelocyte is present on the right upper border of the picture.
Type: bone marrow
CML accelerated phase - PB
Marked leucocytosis with granulocytosis. Myelocytes and segmented granulocytes are predominant elements of peripheral blood, marked basophilia. At the picture blasts and promyelocytes are present, six basophiles.
 / Výrazná leukocytóza s granulocytózou. Myelocyty a neutrofilní segmenty jsou dominujícími elementy v nátěrech periferní krve, výrazná bazofílie. Na obrázku přítomny i blasty a promyelocyty, šest bazofilů. 

Description: Marked leucocytosis with granulocytosis. Myelocytes and segmented granulocytes are predominant elements of peripheral blood, marked basophilia. At the picture blasts and promyelocytes are present, six basophiles.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, promyelocyte, myelocyte, basophil, segmented granulocyte
CML accelerated phase - PB
Leucocytosis, left shift. Two blasts at the right side (at 3. o´clock). basophil on the left. Normoblast in the centre, lymphocyte at the right side up.
 / Leukocytóza, posun doleva. Dva blasty vpravo ( na 3. hodině), bazofil vlevo. Normoblast uprostřed, lymfocyt vpravo nahoře.
Description: Leucocytosis, left shift. Two blasts at the right side (at 3. o´clock). basophil on the left. Normoblast in the centre, lymphocyte at the right side up.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, myelocyte, metamyelocyte, basophil, lymphocyte, normoblast
CML accelerated phase - PB
Predominance of segmented granulocytes, neutrophil band in the centre, eosinophil myelocyte at the right side bottom, cluster of three blasts in the centre.
 / Převaha neutrofilních segmentů, neutrofilní tyč uprostřed, eozinofilní myelocyt vpravo dole, shluk tří blastů uprostřed. 
Description: Predominance of segmented granulocytes, neutrophil band in the centre, eosinophil myelocyte at the right side bottom, cluster of three blasts in the centre.
Type: peripheral blood
Klíčová slova*: myeloblast, eosinophil, band, segmented granulocyte