
AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM

Autor*: A. Buliková, J. Kissová

AML with multilineage dysplasia - BM

There are three myeloblasts in the picture, one of them underneath the centre with cleft nucleus. Three immature cells of erythroid lineage (proerythroblast and two more or less mature early normoblasts) belong to cells localized around the picture's centre. At 5 o'clock lays one dysplastic cell of perhaps granulocytic or may be monocytic lineage; it has band-like but really immature nucleus with fine chromatin and clear nucleoli and immature cytoplasm without granulation. Another almost bizarre cell is in the centre, it the most probably belongs in granulocytic series, it has moderately mature nucleus, basophilic cytoplasm almost without granulation but with one digested late normoblast.

bone marrow

Klíčová slova*:
myeloblast, proerythroblast, basophilic normoblast, haemophagocytosis