Tubal pregnancy

Author: Eva Račanská

30 year old 6 gravida 0 para arrives for the strong pelvic pain which started 5 days ago. 1 day before the pain onset, she underwent dilation & curretage performed by her gynecologist for the spontaneus abortion (she had pregnancy test positive but vaginal bleeding started and there was no gestation sac seen in the uterine cavity). Patients is followed for infertility, she had 5 spontaneus abortions at the 1st trimester of pregnancy and 1 missed abortion at 21 wks of pregnancy which was caused by umbilical cord strangulation according to the autopsy report. No known abnormalities in her or partner's karyotype. She had 7 wks amenorrhoea at the time of admition to the hospital. Bimanual pelvic examination showed nor abnormalities except of tenderness in the right adnexal region. Ultrasound examination described anteverted uterus with transmural leiomyoma 25 mm in diameter in the uterine fundus, endometrium of 4 mm, both ovaries of normal size and large amount of echogenic mass - blood coagula behind the uterus. Diagnosis of possible uterine perforation during the previous D&C was built. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed. There were old blood coagula and approximately 150 ml of blood in the pelvic cavity. Uterus was intact with no sign of perforation with a promimence of the leiomyoma from the posterior uterine wall. Left ovary and left uterine tube were of normal size, shape with no abnormalities. Right ovary adhered to the right uterine tube which was dilated, livid with a perforation and fillied with tubal pregnancy. Right salpingectomy had to be performed due to the uterine tube destruction. Histology report confirmed tubal pregnancy of the right uterine tube with immature placental villi.

Tubal pregnancy


Tubal pregnancy
Uterus and coagulated blood. / Děloha a krevní koagula. Description: Uterus and coagulated blood.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterine tube, Ectopic pregnancy
Tubal pregnancy
Coagulated blood around uterine tube which is livid and dilated with tubal pregnancy. / Krevní koagula okolo lividně zbarveného pravého vejcovodu, který je dilatovaný tubární graviditou. Description: Coagulated blood around uterine tube which is livid and dilated with tubal pregnancy.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterine tube, Ectopic pregnancy
Tubal pregnancy
Blood in the pouch of Douglas. / Krevní koagula vyplňující Douglasovu dutinu. Description: Blood in the pouch of Douglas.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterine tube, Ectopic pregnancy
Tubal pregnancy
Uterus and right uterine horn after removal of the right uterine tube. / Děloha a pravý roh děložní po odstranění pravého vejcovodu. Description: Uterus and right uterine horn after removal of the right uterine tube.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Uterine tube, Ectopic pregnancy