
Author: Eva Račanská

29 year old II para I gravida referred by gynecologist for a persisiting cyst of the right ovary. Patient already underwent laparoscopic exstirpation of the endometrioma (4 and 3 years ago). She was scheduleld for the GnRH analogue therapy for endometriosis but it was cancelled due to her pregnancy. Menstrual cycle regular, 1 delivery via Caesarean section for cervikokorporal dystocia (2 years ago) and 1 missed abortion in the 16th week of pregnancy, last year. Bimanual pelvic examination: anteverted uterus of normal size, enlarged ovary on the right, left adnexal region with no palpable mass.Ultrasound examination: anteverted uterus, endometrium 7 mm, left ovary of normal size and echogenity, right ovary with a hypoechogenic cyst 50 mm in diameter. Diagnostic laparoscopy was performed with the following findings: boggy, mobile uterus of normal size, right ovary with endometrioma 40 by 50 mm in size in adhesions with the pelvic wall and colon. The chocolate content of the cyst was evacuated and the wall of the cyst exstirpated after releasing from the adhesions. They were some adhesions detached in the pouch of Douglas as well. Histology confirmed wall from the cubic epithelium and fibrous tissue.

Endometrioma - Sampson cyst, Endometriosis


Uterus, left ovary and enlarge right ovary. / Děloha levé ovarium a zvětšené oravé ovarium. Description: Uterus, left ovary and enlarge right ovary.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
Uterus and the left ovary and uterine tube. / Děloha, levý vaječník a vejcovod. Description: Uterus and the left ovary and uterine tube.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
Uterus and the right ovary with the uterine tube, visible ampullar part with fimbriae. Ledt ovary is enlarged with a cyst. / Děloha s pravým vaječníkem a vejcovodem, kde se zobrazje jeho ampulární část s fimbriemi. vaječník je zvětšený s cystou. Description: Uterus and the right ovary with the uterine tube, visible ampullar part with fimbriae. Ledt ovary is enlarged with a cyst.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
The pouch of Douglas with fluid, both ovaries and left uterine tube. / Douglasova dutina s sanquinolentní tekutinou, oba vaječníky, levý vejcovod a fimbrie vejcovodu pravého. Description: The pouch of Douglas with fluid, both ovaries and left uterine tube.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility
Uterus and the right ovary after cyst exstirpation and peritoneal lavage. / Děloha a pravý vaječník po exstirpaci cysty a lavage pánve. Description: Uterus and the right ovary after cyst exstirpation and peritoneal lavage.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Sterility