Endometrioma - Sampson cyst

Author: Eva Račanská

34 year old 0 gravida referred by gynecologist for a persisting ovarian cyst and sterility (trying time - 2 years) and complains of pelvic pain during the sexual intercourse. Bimanual pelvic examination: anteverted uterus of normal size, palpable cystic formation behind the uterus, 10 cm in diameter. Ultrasound examination described uterus of normal size, endometrium 10 mm, trilocular hypoechogenic cyst of the right ovary 10 by 7 cm in size. Tumor markers (Ca 125) - negative. Laparoscopy with dye instillation was performed with the following findings: uterus of normal size, both ovaries enlarged with endometrial cysts (Sampson cysts) 50 and 60 mm in diameter. Ovaries in adhesions in the pouch of Douglas and joint to each other. Right uterine tube is patent for the dye but with delay, left uterine tube is occluded. Both ovaries were released form adhesions and cysts with chocolate-like content were exstirpated. Histology confirmed endometrial cyst of both ovaries. According to the laparoscopy, patient sufferes from the severe form of endometriosis (grade III, IV) with occluded left uterine tube. She is scheduled for GnRH analogue treatment for 6 months, IVF (in vitro fetilization) with embryotransfer should be considered.

Endometrioma - Sampson cyst


Uterus and both ovaries joint together filling the pouch of Douglas. Ovaries are enlarged with the brownish colour on the surface which is typical for endometriosis.

 / Děloha a oba vaječníky, který jsou navzájem spojeny a vyplňují Douglasovu dutinu. Na povrchu zejména pravého vaječníku je vidět hnědavé zbarvení typické pro endometriózu. Vaječníky jsou výrazně zvětšeny. Description: Uterus and both ovaries joint together filling the pouch of Douglas. Ovaries are enlarged with the brownish colour on the surface which is typical for endometriosis.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Uterus and both enlarged ovaries. Brown endometrial implants are visible. / Děloha a oboustranně zvětšené vaječníky s hnědými endometriálními ložisky. Description: Uterus and both enlarged ovaries. Brown endometrial implants are visible.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Uterus, both enlarged ovaries behind the uterus, brown endometrial implants. / Děloha, oba zvětšené vaječníky fixované za dělohou a endometriální hnědá ložiska na vaječnících i peritoneu. Description: Uterus, both enlarged ovaries behind the uterus, brown endometrial implants.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst, Sterility
Uterus, right ovary with endometrial cyst and dilated ampullar part of the right uterine tube after dye instillation. / Děloha, pravý zvětšený vaječník a rozšířená ampulární část pravého vejcovodu po instilace patent blau při chromopertubaci. Description: Uterus, right ovary with endometrial cyst and dilated ampullar part of the right uterine tube after dye instillation.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Endometriosis, Cyst, Sterility
Both ovaries after cyst exstirpation. / Oba vaječníky po exstirpaci cysty. Description: Both ovaries after cyst exstirpation.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst, Sterility
Both ovaries and uterine tubes after cyst exstirpation. / Oba vaječníky a vejcovody po exstirpaci endometriálních cyst. Description: Both ovaries and uterine tubes after cyst exstirpation.
Type: LSK
Keywords: Ovary, Endometriosis, Peritoneum, Cyst